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  1. Old Dave

    diy scratch removal

    I know it sounds too simple, but if the scratches aren't too deep, try a little toothpaste on a soft cloth in an inconspicuous spot. :thumb:
  2. Old Dave

    Are my Blood Parrot's trying to breed ??

    Firstly, may I suggest that you move your air pump to above the waterline. Even if you use valves to stop water in the tube flowing into the unit you are providing a way that drips or splashes could follow the tubing to the pump. Not only do we need to care for our fish.... :tgv: Have you been...
  3. Old Dave

    Are my Blood Parrot's trying to breed ??

    I'm no expert, but the behaviour of your fish doesn't sound like a territorial issue. :slurp: Mated pair? Fish can be a bit like people. Just because a woman and a man walk down the street together doesn't mean they are planning a family. Sometimes you need to give them some encouragement, but...
  4. Old Dave

    Are my Blood Parrot's trying to breed ??

    So, do you have eggs yet? ;) You should be asking if Blood Parrots make good parents...:smilecolros: Congrats on your mated (not just male & female) pair..
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