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  1. M

    I made a big mistake and im so upset

    I got a goldie and it looked fine but now 10 days later it died and my other 2 are sick, I thought it was ick so started treating it with Ick clear, but 2 days later they looked worse, so went and got quick cure, and started it last night raising temp to 79, and was told by my LPS that I should...
  2. M

    question on male mollies

    We have 2 male mollies in my 20 gal, with 3 glofish the male mollies one is from my female molly 1st batch of fry hes about 5 months and the 2nd one my son got my daughter a male black salfin molly now fpr my question can 2 male mollys live together? They seem to at 1st like each other but the...
  3. M

    can we move the fish tonight?

    my son wants to move the fish to my new house tonight.....will they be ok at night? __________________
  4. M

    question on my mollies

    Hi my name is Brianna I am 9 years old and motherspices daughter My molly Peanut is chasing her mom molly all over the place. She will chase her constintly. She is hiding and dose not swim much her baby is about 4 1/2 months old...what can we do to stop it from happening? or will she out grow...
  5. M

    question on betta

    maybe this has been asked but, We were thinking of when we move to put the betta patches in the 10 gal in my daughter room, that tank will have 5 endlers 1 BN.....can we add her male betta? hate him in that 2.5 gal
  6. M

    I am buying a 20 gal tall ...

    From craigslist, comes with everything needed and more, lol for 25 bucks....We will set it up with the filter media from one of my tanks when we move in 20 days : now this is what I am going to put in there after its set up, 4 peppered cory that are in the 10 gal right now, a male dalmation...
  7. M

    question on filter

    My biowheel has a noticable moter kind of humming vibrating, sound, sound that my hubby says was not there, I never noticed it, well now that he told me I hear it, any way is there something wrong or hes worried for nothing?
  8. M

    Help we are moving in 3 weeks

    Now we have 4 tanks that we are taking with us.........Boy am I scared! Here is my plan please feel free to add or change anything we dont want to lose ANY fish.... plan on getting 2 coolers was thinking the styrfoam SP? ones? ......then was going to drain some water from the 55 gal in to one...
  9. M

    slideshow of my babies

    all 3 tanks and the babies
  10. M

    Ok heres a question on bubble nest

    ok why do I have bubble nest in my corner of my 55 gal tank? :confused: lol all I have in there are mollys platys swordtails 1 pearl gourami (a girl) 2 BN placos (babies) and 2 g. shrimps one is big and the other is little :confused:....just wondering, lol
  11. M

    I need help please!

    ok im really confussed....I have been testing my 29 55 and 10 gal tank for used to be 6.4......but latley its been 6.0, so I talked to the lady in petsmart and asked her what to get, she said to get ph up (it also says that on my master test kit).......... so I added some 1/2 teaspoon...
  12. M

    Ok I did it and gave my BN a piece of cucumber

    im so nervous, please let my babies be ok here is what I did I cut a piece of cucumber stuck the fork through the back where the skin is then tied fishing line to the fork and droped it in......oh before I rinsed the fork really good and the cucumber also...then I shut the light im so...
  13. M

    Help my sword has something on her

    my daughter seen a fry then we turned the light off to try and catch it and seen this motherspiceme/swordbirth - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  14. M

    Question on my new BN placos

    I got 2 BN placos (Bonnie and Clyde) and so far they are great and may I add so so beautiful, We so love them for the questions, lol How do I know they are eating?? I never see them eat....I always see them on the tank wall or on something else like the air hose, filter heater you get...
  15. M

    I got my new background....

  16. M

    Lost one of the cory.........

    that we took from the 10 gal to the 55 gal.......then thought his buddy was a gonner to but my daughter who is 9 saved him, so far hes still alive;) when I left for work this morn I told all he was gonna die, he was upside down for like 10 minutes, well after I left, my daughter added some...
  17. M

    Question please

    My 55 as you all know is up and running now the amonnia is 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 20......... here is the question I have 2 peppered cory that are in my 10 gal I want to put them in my 55, is that ok or does the tank have to be up and running for a while, as they are bottom dwellers?.....Thanks
  18. M

    we hooked up the 55 and found

    15 more fry;) so now we have 14 in the 10 gal 5 weeks old and 2 swords 5 weeks 2 platy 5 weeks and 7 more swords 1 week old and 13 more molly fry about a week old
  19. M

    My 55 is up and running

    :BIG:here are a few pics............and have 15 more fry;) so now we have 14 in the 10 gal 5 weeks old and 2 swords 5 weeks 2 platy 5 weeks and 7 more swords 1 week old and 13 more molly fry about a week old
  20. M

    Can I keep 2 dalmation molly......

    In a 10 gal? :confused: My daughter has a 10 gal tank and she wants to keep the 2 male molly fry from the 1st batch in there they are about 10 weeks old and if yes can she add any others? like a platy and a swordtail? thanks;)
  21. M

    hubby cleaned the...

    55 with just water and elbow grease,it all came off, lol it looks so nice!!!! we had it filled out side yesterday and all day today...just got done its filled and all but no fish..not going to put any in now for my 100th dumb question, lol...can water be ok without the filter till wed.? I will...
  22. M

    how is this filter?

    was thinking of getting this Power Filter: Bio System Power Filter & Surface Skimmer from Drs. Foster and Smith
  23. M

    I got my 55 gal

    Now its dirty:eek: and it came with a underground filter and ewwwww nasty.......think im gonna trow it out and start over,,,even the heater is nasty he has not used the tank in a year so you can picture what it looks I know I need a filter was thinking the bio wheel 350....I...
  24. M

    Dont laugh please

    I was told by my son that he was told that livebearers die after they give birth to all the fry that they are storing, he said due to so many fry and 6 months of giving birth.I really dont believe him but he really believes it, so I thought I would ask you guys, to put my mind at ease.... Thanks...
  25. M

    dumb question

    I just went and got some fake of them has a smell to it do fake plants have a smell to it? I rinsed it good and then soaked it in old tank water from my PWC
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