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  1. K

    My Goldfish Kills Pleco (And is now in over his head)

    Thanks a bunch, it's a huge weight off my mind. I was so scared he would get clogged and die.
  2. K

    What Made You Want A Freshwater Aquarium?

    My answer is a little unorthodox. I was having a boyfriend problem, my 2 ex's wasn't leaving me alone, and I couldn't find a man I was interested in. One day while I was talking to a friend she told me not to worry, that there "were plenty of fish in the sea." And I though, I don't live...
  3. K

    My Goldfish Kills Pleco (And is now in over his head)

    My 9 inch goldfish, Hoover, has it in for pleco's. So far he has killed 3. Realizing that for my 29 gallon tank an algae feeder is important I recently bought an 8 inch pleco. Now it seems I have a new problem. This pleco is big enough to fight back, and mean it. Hoover is all beat up. He's got...
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