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  1. J

    Ich in a goldfish + cory tank

    I have a 29 gallon tank with a pair of young fantail goldfish and some older corys. Just noticed a few white spots on one of the goldfish. Looks like ich. It seems the recommended treatments are different for tropical fish and goldfish so I'm wondering what the best course of action is in this...
  2. J

    What kind of cichlids are these?

    Just got them from a friend. They're all fairly young.
  3. J

    Wanted: Eheim inlet/outlet

    Long story short I have an Eheim 2213 and no longer have the input and output tubes that came with it. I'm looking for the spray bar and suction pipe assemblies. Anyone have any lying around?
  4. J

    Got some cichlids, need help identifying

    Picked up a few new fish from one of my friends who has recently found himself with many extras. Anywhere, here they are. If anyone knows what they are, feel free to clue me in!
  5. J

    Fish for small tank

    I have a 5 gallon Eclipse tank on my desk at work. My old betta just died, probably of old age (no signs of disease, water chemistry is fine), and I put in two sunset platies to replace him. I know they'll get a little bigger, but they look a little lost in the tank. I'm looking for another 2-3...
  6. J

    Corkscrew val

    Holy crap, this stuff is nuts. I spread out a 5-plant bunch in my tank a few weeks ago. It literally grows 1-1.5 inches per day and it's already spread all over the tank. I have 7-8 totally new plants in new parts of the tank, some of which are already as tall as the tank (a 20 gallon long)...
  7. J

    Tiger barbs nipping each other

    I have a new tank with 6 new, young green tiger barbs. I have observed the largest of the fish chasing some of the others around. Two of the smaller fish have patches on their sides that look like they're missing scales. They don't seem to be doing very well. They don't seem too interested in...
  8. J

    WTB: handful of crushed coral

    I'm trying to get my hands on a little bit of crushed coral. No more than a small Zip-loc baggie's worth. However, the cheapest I can find locally is a several pound bag costing about $15. Anyone willing to take a small handful of some crushed coral, put it in a zip-loc, and send it to me for...
  9. J

    Fish ID

    Don't have a decent picture. They're barbs, roughly the shape of cherry barbs, but a little taller. About 2" long. The bottom half is a fiery red that fades to bright orange along the dorsal ridge. The ones I saw were about 2" long overall. The store called them "Indian fire barbs." Any ideas?
  10. J

    Weird film during fishless cycle?

    I'm fishless cycling my 20 gallon tank right now. The cycle has stalled for some reason (I've been reading 2 ppm ammonia, 0.5 ppm NO2, and 5 ppm NO3 for five straight days now). Anyway, I just adjusted my filter (Hydor Prime 10 can filter) to get better flow (now have one sponge, one polishing...
  11. J

    Different test kits giving wildly different results?

    This morning I used the API liquid nitrate test kit and the API nitrite/nitrate test strips on the same sample of water. The liquid test kit gave me, to the best of my reckoning, about 10 ppm nitrate. The strips gave me 40 ppm. Is this... typical?
  12. J

    Fritz-Zyme Turbo Start

    This is good stuff. I picked some up at the LFS the night I start putting my new 20 gallon tank together. They told me they used it to cycle their store when they moved it, and they were fully cycled in about 5 days. The product must stay refrigerated and has a shelf-life of about 3 months. I...
  13. J

    20 gallon long diary

    I mixed 15 pounds of Flourite Black Sand with 10 lbs of a river pebbles mix. I poured the water in and the pebbles made their way to the top of the mix. I'm going to add a bit more black and mix it back up so the substrate is mostly black with some flecks of lighter colors. So this is my first...
  14. J

    Fish selection for 20L

    I'm making a planted 20L right now and I'm thinking about fish. Here's what I'd like: 4-5 green tiger barbs 4-5 Serpae tetras 2 of some variety of cory I understand tiger barbs can be a bit nippy on other fish, and Serpae tetras might as well. Should I reconsider my selections?
  15. J

    Question about light levels

    I have a 20L that I'm going to be putting plants in. I've kept fish for a long time, but this will be my first try at plants. I have 15 pounds of Flourite Black Sand I'm going to mix with 10-15 pounds of Estes "blend o river" gravel and possibly some local gravel. Anyway, I ordered this...
  16. J

    Differences in ammonia testing

    I ran into some trouble regarding ammonia levels. I'm still a little confused, but I think I have it figured out. When talking about stressful or toxic ammonia levels, most sites seem to be talking about total ammonia - NH3 + NH4. And this is what most test kits seem to talk about. The...
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