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  1. D

    A Whole Mess of New Tank Questions

    Thank you fearless! The only problem is all the information I'm finding about the other gouramis you suggested say that they get about 4'' as opposed to the dwarf gourami's 2''. Would that make my tank overstocked when the gourami is full grown? It would be: 1 gourami (4'') 6 neon tetras 6...
  2. D

    A Whole Mess of New Tank Questions

    Wow, thank you for all the advice, everyone! It is all very, very helpful and i will take it into consideration while i wait for my tank to cycle. Thank you for the warnings about Dwarf Gouramis, Fearless! I'd hate to get a sickly fish. I've also just recently heard this advice from a few...
  3. D

    A Whole Mess of New Tank Questions

    Hello there! I'm very, very new to fishkeeping, and can use all the advice I can get, so I have a couple of questions that i would love to hear some feedback on. :) I tried asking the employees at my local fish store, but their answers left me a bit worried. When I asked them about fishless...
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