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  1. Z

    Dead corals and saltwater help

    Ah... I bet every serious saltwater hobbyest clenched their fingers into a fist, when the thought of a beginner killing off coral ran across their brains. But, I assure you this is not the case. I have yet to bring myself to the new world of saltwater. I plan on starting a small reef, probably...
  2. Z

    Crayfish / Crabs

    I've tried cardboard, ductape, and using food containers. My crayfish usually knock the food containers over while the crabs crawl up the filter. Before "Bob" died (A female crayfish... found out it was a female after I named it lol) she fell a good 3-4 feet 10+ times while escaping.
  3. Z

    Crayfish / Crabs

    Anyone know of a good screen that will keep crabs and crayfish from climbing out of tanks (via filter, heater, airlines, etc) ? I understand there are hoods out there that allow anywhere from 1-8"+ of clearence... but I have yet to come across a decent screen. If I can't find something along...
  4. Z

    Guppies (feeder and fancy)

    As for acurate temp reading, I've definatly come across a problem. I'm using a stick-on thermometer, a radioshack indoor/outdoor therm., and an AWS scientific digital therm. Seems the AWS shows a different of 1*F - which means temps I had been using 3+ years ago were way off. Is everyone using a...
  5. Z

    Sand + freswater

    Lets set asside the type of fish I'll be adding to the tank and plants. Is there a specific mesh or grain size of sand everyone is using? I've seen many tanks with sand in them and I have no clue where to start. I'm a tad worried about sand stirring up and causing damage to the filter, or...
  6. Z

    Guppies (feeder and fancy)

    I've been breeding guppies for the last few years, but without any true motive (other then saving myself the extra money *grin*). But for the last 2 years, I've decided to take on a different approach with the feeder guppies. I wanted to see how far I could push them, temp wise. I am now on...
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