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  1. R

    Filter media for wet/dry setup

    I have a drilled freshwater aquarium (African cichlids) with a MegaFlow wet/dry filter. This particular filter comes equipped only with a pre-filter pad that filters the water prior to flowing over the bio-balls. The pre-filter pad has no carbon or any other filter media in it. Should I be...
  2. R

    Noisy, gurgling Megaflow drain

    I have an AGA Megaflow Model 4 connected to an Oceanic RR 120 with 2 overflows. I'm using a Mag Drive 1200 pump with 2 Oceanic Accessory Kits in the overflow boxes. Both overflows are rated at 600 gph. The overflow on the left side of my tank is extremely loud, gurgles constantly, and drains...
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