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  2. Labyrinth fish (Bettas/Gouramis)

    Labyrinth fish (Bettas/Gouramis)

  3. Characins (tetras/pacu/pirhana)

    Characins (tetras/pacu/pirhana)

  4. Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

    Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

  5. Members FW Tanks

    Members FW Tanks

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  6. S

    Buying fish online?

    I think that's good to know, obviously as a long time member with your status, you probably wouldn't want to risk a bad rep and can be found for advice. :cool:
  7. S

    Buying fish online?

    I was nervous, but local availability was VERY limited and I'd not had the best luck. I've ordered twice from Grey Wyman (wetspotcx on aquabid) with pretty good success even with 2 day delivery. I recently ordered 15 Cardinals, 10 Black Phantoms, 3 Cory Trilineatus and 3 Otos from him. Just...
  8. S

    Which algae is this?

    Figures, I added a Crypt recently. I had some corkscrew val, but I think I bleach dipped it too long in my paranoia of snails one day taking over. Lost a Java fern the same way, but I see it must have spread as I have two small starts in the tank. Makes sense though. I'll try Vals again...
  9. S

    Which algae is this?

    I've missed that discussion in my research, thanks! It was sold as a freshwater light from Nova, so I presumed it was okay. I was surprised it wasn't one 10k and one 6.5k when I received it though. Maybe it would be best to swap out a 10k for a 6.5k Since I switched to RO, I've had great...
  10. S

    Which algae is this?

    Just measured my phosphates, I'm showing not much if reading this right: You can see where I scraped the rock with the edge of the siphon. It comes off, but not easily. Here's a Crypt that is pretty new to the tank and you can see the algae starting to gather on the edge.
  11. S

    Which algae is this?

    That figures, I was trying a low-light, easy beginner plant tank, hence the anubias. I recently added a crypt as well. I had some corkscrew val in the corner, but I think I bleach dipped it too long in my paranoia over snails. It's best described as clumpy. A siphon will pick some of it up...
  12. S

    Show Me Your 20 Gallons?

    The wood was real, the plants were obviously fake: I've since tried my hand at a planted 46 gallon bowfront.
  13. S

    Please put all the info you know on tetras.

    I had a relative try mixing small tetras and a betta in a small tank. It didn't turn out well for the tetras. That said, maybe a small full body tetra is the trick, but they're not going to provide the zip you're looking for. Serpae are feisty and have good colors. But you have to have...
  14. S

    Rainbows, Gouramis....

    Did you throw all those fish in the tank without cycling it? If you're having a spike in ammonia, I hope you're doing daily water changes to keep it under control.
  15. S

    Clown Pleco

    A hifin pleco is not the same as a clown pleco. I've had three clown plecos. The first one did a bang up job on algae and would eat slices of cucumber. The 2 I have presently are worthless when it comes to algae and I've had the cucumber slice last for days untouched. They appear to prefer...
  16. S

    Which algae is this?

    It's my first planted tank (46 bowfront) and I thought the anubias would out compete the algae, but no luck. Don't know how to fight it as I'm not sure what it is. It's mostly clumpy of all things. It has taken over the slate rock (yes, most of that green is vertically stacked and glued...
  17. S

    Fish dropping dead, not signs of disease.

    Well, since I posted, no one else has come up floating. (jinx) The Rams do pick on each other a fair bit (lip locking) but keep to themselves about it. The biggest bully in the tank is the one male Bleeding Heart who defends the front and center of the tank with vigor.
  18. S

    Fish dropping dead, not signs of disease.

    No pesticides, no ammonia, as I said, it's been up and running for a few months. Tanks has some slate, a piece of driftwood and several anubias plants. Unfortunately, I don't monitor ph enough. I always use RO water to keep it soft, but the ph always stays very high.
  19. S

    Fish dropping dead, not signs of disease.

    The tank has long been cycled. The hardness result was strip, but the ammonia, nitrite, and ph were all liquid chemical tests.
  20. S

    Fish dropping dead, not signs of disease.

    I thought about the sick forum, but they don't appear sick. I just get one or two tetras a day dropping dead without any signs of trauma, disease or anything. They're not sluggish, they're not missing color, they don't have spots, nothing. They swim around one minute, the next I look over and...
  21. S

    Alright, I've got my cart before the horse. Anything wrong with this?

    well, now my new crypt has no leaves. Came back to the office from a 3 hour meeting and the last leaf is floating. Leaf looks healthy. Nice green, no holes, yellowing or browning, but the leaf broke clean at the stem. The crown isn't buried in the substrate. So do I leave the leafless plant...
  22. S

    Alright, I've got my cart before the horse. Anything wrong with this?

    The one crypt is already losing leaves. They look like they became detached at from the midrib. It's still green, just looks like it's falling apart. I really fouled up the vals. Got distracted and bleach dipped them waaaaay too long. Leaves are browning and looking transparent. If I keep...
  23. S

    Fishy Reaper

    Just curious, but how big is the biggest gap? Nothing like finding dead fish on the floor. Ugh.
  24. S

    What kind of algae fits this description?

    It was a 46 bow with the hood that came with it. Plants didn't look so good. So I just put a Nova Extreme with 2x39watts yesterday.
  25. S

    What kind of algae fits this description?

    I upgraded to this tank back in probably May. I thought diatoms based on what I've read here, but it's had plenty of time to run its course. It's been about 8 weeks of this.
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