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  1. R

    Crab in car

    Calhoun, GA
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    Crab in car

    Hi gzeiger That is actually about how we have her set up pretty much except is in a bucket with fresh sand from Jeckyl Island, Ga. We took a trip last weekend to visit family and the hopes that we could get this crab home. Maybe is not a fiddler crab have you seen the pictures, and I can...
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    Crab in car

    Hi all, Crab in car güy, we have identified it as a fiddler crab female. We have her all set up in a plastic container, My very Fırst aquarium lol. We Will be our closet beach is 350 miles away and a trip is planned for this weekend. İ need a little help Food wise what The hll do they eat...
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    Crab in car

    crab in car Thanks HN1. How long can they live without their normal habitat?
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    Crab in car

    Hi, like I said am new here so I have no clue how to attach files with an iPod touch. But here is a link to see the pictures. The last time that I went to the beach was about a month ago. Jeckyl island GA USA MobileMe Gallery thanks
  6. R

    Crab in car

    hi all new here I don't have an aquarium. But I do have an issue. I found a crab in my car about a week ago and I need help identifying it so that I know where to release it. Can anyone help
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