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  1. P

    4 months and still small

    I have a well populated (20+ assorted fish) 40 gal tank, and I have one black molly, that refuses to grow. He/she was part of a brood of 6 out of 11 that survived being eaten and are about 4 to 5 months old. All have grown quite well, and all are doing fine. Yet this one will not grow. It is...
  2. P

    Help! Snails, What to do?

    I have been over run with snails, and am at wits end. I pull out 5-7 snails a day. What is the best measure for dealing with this growing problem. I could have enjoyed a few, but now they seem to be trying to take over my 40 gal tank. Its now me against the snails. :? :bad-words:
  3. P


    Well, all was well. I now have a Male Black Molly with Popeye. I'm suspecting he has this because, out of all the fish, he had more than one worm (3) on his body. I had to pull him out of the tank two times to remove the worms. This has to be traumatic, (not all the slim in the world would...
  4. P

    Thanks to all

    Just wanted to say thanks to all for the help on getting me started. ( Allivymar, Tigerlily, Madame_X, and Sweetsuvvyb, just to name a few, because there were a lot more). I am finally at the point where it all is working, and I can sit back and watch. My little guys and gals are seemingly...
  5. P

    Strange white strings on fins and side

    I have just gone through the heat temperature treatment for ick (2 weeks), only lost 1 platy :( , and all seems to be fine in the ick department. Except that now I have noticed a white string on the side of my Red Wag female platy, and am starting to see the same on 1 sword tail female and 1...
  6. P

    Help!!! Nitrite gone crazy

    Information: I have a 37gal tank with the Eclipse filtration & illunination system using the Bio-Wheel and it looks like it's supposed to, Yucky!. I've had the tank for about 1 month and started out just fine, everything just perfect and all test right on the mark. After about 2 weeks, I...
  7. P

    EBO-JAGER 150 Watt Heater Blue button

    I have the ebo-jager 150 watt heater in a 39 gal tank. It works fine, but there is a blue button on the top of the heater, and I can't find out what this button is for. :? Does any one have the slightest idea? Thanks
  8. P

    Salt in Freshwater tank?

    I was informed that for some live baring fish tanks, it is not rear to put some salt in the tank. Is this true, or is someone playing a very bad joke? if this is true, please explain the reasoning and benefit of this. I can't find anything on this subject. Thanks Confused and stunned! :?
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