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  1. jessibell

    Setting up a 5 gallon - new to plants

    Hi all, I have a five gallon that I'm setting up for ramshorns and pond snails (for food) and I just ordered a bunch more from someone who reccomended using a heavily planted tank for them instead of a bare tank (this is how he breeds his) I have been breeding mine in a little 1.5 gallon but...
  2. jessibell

    Shipping snails? Questions

    I found a guy on aquabid who is willing to ship some ramshorns to me in Canada since I can't find any available in this country :nono: Question is, what kind of rules are they subjected to and do they survive shipping well? He said he's never actually shipped to Canada before. You folks in...
  3. jessibell

    "Fuzz" growing on algae logs?

    I've had a 1.5 gallon container with pond snails in it for about 6 weeks now, and suddenly the pleco log pieces I put in are growing a very tough fungi-like fuzz within a day of me putting them in there. It's so tough that I can't even break it apart when it gets stuck in my siphon and filter! I...
  4. jessibell

    Building desk support for a 30 gal

    I am planning on upgrading to a 30 gal in my dorm room - problem is, my "desk" might not be able to hold it as it is. I understand a 30 gal would weigh about 250 lbs ish. As of right now the desk is made out of 1 inch particle board, it has an angle iron brace running along the front and two...
  5. jessibell

    Snail food suggestions?

    I have a 1.5 gallon tank heated and filtered with pond snails and a couple ramshorns, building up stock for a puffer fish I want to get. I have been feeding them pleco logs, lettuce, zuchinni, and spinach, which they all like. The problem is with cleaning the tank. When I siphon all the waste...
  6. jessibell

    Snail Shell erosion - what can I add?

    I've had a 1.5 gallon going with some pond snails and a couple small ramshorns and I am starting to notice the shells eroding. I am assuming I need to add calcium to the water (I am trying to breed them so I want them to develop well!) Is this due to lack of calcium, low pH, low general...
  7. jessibell

    Safe way to increase pH?

    So my tank is almost done cycling, but the piece of driftwood i put in a couple weeks ago has stained the water brown and made it slightly acidic (even though i soaked the wood for a week before putting it into the tank) My pH tester is only a high range kit so it doesn't register on the chart...
  8. jessibell

    Snails - what kind are they? (pics)

    Is this a little ramshorn snail? I got a handful of these at the lfs store the other day. They didn't even know they had them, I found them in some random tank and they had no idea what they were either. They love algae blocks, won't touch shrimp pellets, and eat the heck out of the lettuce...
  9. jessibell

    When can I start testing for Nitrate?

    It's day 18 of a fishless cycle on a ten gallon and I finally have a 0ppm ammonia and my nitrite has gone down from 2 ppm to 0.25. (I use API testers for these ones) my nitrate tester is a Hagen one. It says "high" levels if nitrite will interfere with the nitrate reading - how high is high? I...
  10. jessibell

    Wanted: Wanted: Snails in Canada

    Looking for good-sized pond snails or small ramshorn snails as feeders. There aren't any on Aquabid that are available to ship to canada at the moment. LFS has very little available too. I'm getting a puffer in a few weeks and I want to have snails on hand before I bring it home.
  11. jessibell

    Net Dips and sanitization?

    I am still battling popeye in two of my bettas. I have been trying to prevent cross contamination as much as possible, but I would like something to sanitize my various equiptments between use - especially the young bettas in the jars. I use a turkey baster a lot and a pipette for feeding, and...
  12. jessibell

    Nerites climbing out suddenly?

    I have 2 nerites that usually live in my fry tank, but the tank is dismantles for the time being. I am keeping them in a one gallon container with some live java moss and feed them a bit of fish food and pleco blocks (which really gum u8p the water) I keep the water changed weekly and they have...
  13. jessibell

    Laboratory Experiment with Popeye...

    I'm taking Microbiology for Animal Health Technologists at the moment, and a couple of my bettas developed popeye a few weeks ago and I decided to do some testing on it. So far the results are rather interesting so I thought I'd share them: First I tested Melafix (diluted to the proper...
  14. jessibell

    Kanamycin Dosing and Biology experiments

    I have two bettas with a mild but worsening case of popeye - I have tried treating them with melafix, pimafix, indian almond tea, but no cigar. The only antibiotic our pet store had was kanaplex (kanamycin) and the directions say to dose every two days - my question is, do I just add the new...
  15. jessibell

    Bettas at it again! Suggestions?

    I have taken the summer off from breeding bettas but now that I'm settled in university I am starting again! I only have one juvie left from my first spawn - she is about 4 months old and just started to show her egg spot the other day. her balance isn't great - I noticed a lot of my fry get...
  16. jessibell

    Snails acting funny

    My three japanese trapdoor snails have had 18 babies this week:rolleyes: Since the snails are supposed to help me keep the tank CLEAN, this kind of defeats the purpose LOL so I moved all the babies and one of the adults into a 1 gallon bowl. Now, instead of being dispersed all over the tank...
  17. jessibell

    Trapdoor Snails

    I brought home a couple trapdoor snails the other day... and I now have 7 little babies! I'm not trying to breed them, it just happened. How long do they take to reach full size?
  18. jessibell

    Snails and Medications

    I was wondering if Jungle Fungus Eliminator would hurt snails? I am guessing yes, but I wanted to make sure.
  19. jessibell

    Cycling - again. *sighs*

    Okay, so I have been cycling a five gallon for a month, and in the past week the nitrites have not decreased at all (at 0.8 right now) ammonia has been zero for some time. The nitrites were plumetting but now they are stuck. I did a 75% water change and am continueing to add a medium sized...
  20. jessibell

    Female Bettas

    Well I took my guppies back to my LFS yesterday (saturday) after getting a little frusterated with them dying so frequently. Now I have an empty ten gallon that is established and I was thinking about getting 2 female bettas for it. Question is, will they peacefully live together, or do they...
  21. jessibell

    LOL Betta

    So far my mom's Betta, Bernerd, is doing great. We decided to give him a couple guppy fry to "see what he would do" and our whole family was impressed at his fry catching skills. He seemed to enjoy it emensely. How often should he be fed one? They are a couple weeks old now so they are bigger...
  22. jessibell

    Dwarf Puffers

    I was wondering if anyone here has kept them? I would EVENTUALLY like to try keeping them - maybe in a couple years once I have my own place, and after I get a little more practiced at keeping simpler fish. I understand they eat mostly snails, with small live foods. One of my teachers has a 20...
  23. jessibell

    guppy loss

    This morning I woke to find one of my female fancy guppies dead. Last night I inspected them and they all seemed very happy and healthy and vigorous. I tested the water and found a trace amount of ammonia (0.25 mg/L) and a trace amount of nitrates (less than 5 mg/L) Ammonia in this tank was...
  24. jessibell

    Nitrate tests - questions

    I've had a five gallon since feb 27th. The ammonia has been reduced to less that 0.25 (practically zero, really) for the past week, and the nitrites are finally starting to drop below 3.3 (the max on my kit) I was SOOOO excited! To celebrate I bought a nitrate tester. (The nutrafin brand - our...
  25. jessibell

    Homemade sponge filters

    I took a swing at making a sponge filter yesterday. I cut a small pop bottle off at the neck, cut some slits near the base, put in some larger rocks, then some foam, then topped it off with gravel (all from an established tank) and stuck an air line with a small stone down the middle of it. I'm...
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