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  1. C

    Not sure what to do with my beta...

    My beta has been acting weird, I don't think its been more than a week I've noticed him acting like this. He seems to be struggling when he swims, its all frantic and shaky and he's having trouble getting to the top of his tank and grabbing his food, which wasn't really an issue before. He also...
  2. C

    What algae eater can I keep with my minnow babies?

    Oh my gosh! Snails! I didn't even think of that! @0@ That's a great idea! @U@ Thanks everybody! I now have a different but still algae-related question. I've had my 55 gallon tank up for half a year, 5 goldfish, 3 minnows, and one pleco. Why hasn't it started growing algae yet?
  3. C

    What algae eater can I keep with my minnow babies?

    I've just started noticing that my 10 gallon tank housing my 30ish little minnow babies is growing some algae in the back. I want to get an algae eater to nom it up and I would usually go with a pleco but I'm scared to death of having something so big (by comparison) in a tank with fish so small...
  4. C

    And suddenly.. BABIES.

    Everything is going great with the babies! They seem to really enjoy the 10 gallon tank all to themselves, I haven't gotten the chance to count them but the numbers still seem pretty high so I don't suspect I've lost many (maybe not any but I can't be sure). They're very active and don't hide...
  5. C

    My adorable goldfish Again, now with room!

    Haha, the camera was set to "indoor" so it gave everything a weird orange tint xD
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    Biggest Newbie moments

    This one is sad... The petco guy telling me "You're 3 goldfish will get over ich naturally. No need to treat them, just keep feeding them." And believing him. RIP!!
  7. C

    My adorable goldfish Again, now with room!

    I took another short video of my goldfish living it up in the 55 gallon tank! They love to talk to you if you walk up to them! YouTube - My fishies again!
  8. C

    Fin biting problems :/ And Shy Pleco, and dust from gravel.

    I just moved my 3 minnows into the 55 gallon tank with my 5 goldfish. One of the minnows, the biggest female recently given birth one, seems to enjoy biting the goldfishs' lovely flowing tail fins. They all have fantails and the beauty is being tarnished! Surprisingly, the largest one with the...
  9. C

    Goldfish with Deformed Mouth

    Thanks for the help everyone :D I'll try some of those pellets! Its pretty interesting how many different kinds of mouth deformities you can find in fish xD
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    Goldfish with Deformed Mouth

    This doesn't belong in Unhealthy Fish because he's just fine. I'm just curious about his future :P I've had my 5 goldfish for over half a year, I bought this little white calico because I liked his eyes and I didn't even notice his mouth!! His mouth is definitely deformed, it looks like an...
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    And suddenly.. BABIES.

    My minnows have been quite a handful in the last two months. My biggest one Joanie got pregnant a second time weeks after the baby minnow massacre (only one survived.) I wasn't prepared, I didn't know she spawned live @U@;;;;; But she did, Monday night she was fat and I get home from school...
  12. C

    Snuggling, cuddling goldfish! :D

    I've found a few videos that make me so unbelievable happy of goldfish bonding with their owners!! @0@ I have 5 goldfish myself and I really want to make this happen! @^@ Because I love them freakin much. Has any other goldfish keeper experienced anything like this? I'm wondering if its only...
  13. C

    I think my minnows are breeding and I have no idea what to do!

    No worries x) I've actually found this experience pretty humorous! I saved the baby and for now he's living in a betta vase, not perfect put plenty of room for the little guy just for the time being. Do you think my female minnow will be spawning more anytime soon? Should I be expecting more...
  14. C

    why people think they can have goldfish in a 2 gallon tank...

    My best friend's little sister is keeping 2 really small goldies in a 2 gallon, and they don't have a lot of $$ so I keep on trying to politely tell them they should get a bigger tank @-@ She plans on buying her sister a cheap walmart 10 gallon, which is a start at least. I managed to keep 5 of...
  15. C

    I think my minnows are breeding and I have no idea what to do!

    Hey again! I've come across something kinda astonishing since I last posted here. So I stopped worrying about the breeding and got the water for my little minnows back to clear and kept up with keeping it clean. I did fall behind in the upkeep for about a week (The pond water they lived in was...
  16. C

    What Made You Want A Freshwater Aquarium?

    About a year ago I saw a bunch of pearlscale goldfish at Walmart, I had never seen anything like them before! So I got one, and she lived in a bowl. Bowl turned into tank, one eventually became 2. Fast forward to now and I have 5! In a huuuge tank! Although I wouldn't buy from Walmart again...
  17. C

    I think my minnows are breeding and I have no idea what to do!

    Thanks for your help :) I changed some of the water out already :D I'm so glad they're not breeding, I'm in no way ready to deal with that! I'm still not sure what the cloudiness is, I've had these little guys for about 3 weeks and nothing like that has ever appeared! My intention when I got...
  18. C

    I think my minnows are breeding and I have no idea what to do!

    Can the bacteria bloom happen within a few hours? I don't know what kind they are. I'm keeping them in a small 1 1/2 gallon tank (for now, and plan on working out larger probably 10 gallon home for them soon). No filter currently but I keep the water clean, I had just cleaned 1/4 of it 2 days...
  19. C

    I think my minnows are breeding and I have no idea what to do!

    I have 4 minnows, 3 itty bitties and one larger one, about an inch and a half. I'm pretty sure the biggest one is pregnant. She looks like a tiny little balloon was put in her belly and its getting inflated. I've even seen the other ones chasing her, which I've read is part of mating. But...
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    My adorable goldfish. +short video+

    Really? @u@ That would be great! Moving from a 10 gallon to a 40-50, you think my current gravel would be enough to seed it? >3> or maybe get is started?
  21. C

    My adorable goldfish. +short video+

    Thank you! The black moor really are so cute, adds wonderful diversity to the tank, and I love if when people are surprised when they first see mine xD I've always been fond of the weird eye breeds... celestial eye, telescope eye, bubble eye, I hope to own them all someday!
  22. C

    My adorable goldfish. +short video+

    Thanks! @u@ I'm excited about getting a new tank but nervous about the cycling because I've never done it before...
  23. C

    Choosing a healthy fish? How can I tell?

    I've had a couple bad experiences buying fish from a store that looked healthy and later discovering they were sick. My last incident was just a week ago, I bought an adorable itty bitty fantail goldie that looked fine and was swimming around like normal, and it was from a very nice aquarium...
  24. C

    My adorable goldfish. +short video+

    I am still trying to figure out how to properly photograph and record these little guys, this is what I got so far. :) YouTube - My Fishies. I adore my fish so much. I'm so proud of how healthy they look and how active they are! They all wiggle around when I walk up to them, fish are such...
  25. C

    What do I do with the fish when I clean the tank?

    Should I worry about making sure the water is the right tempurature? I'm afraid of pouring water without it being perfectly room tempurature because I have one oranda and I've heard they are particularly sensitive to colder water.
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