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  1. V

    caught my cichlids mating

    :p He was showing off so much we thought he wanted us to look! :lol:
  2. V

    most of my fish, can you help with identiy?

    That's why I say they're potentially hybrids. I don't expect purity out of 'assorted cichlid' tanks.
  3. V

    most of my fish, can you help with identiy?

    I would have NEVER known that! Thanks! Kinda interesting. :p I would expect that about half of our fish in this tank are potentially hybrids since they came out of 'assorted cichlid' tanks at our LFS. The other half or so we bought from a more reputable store. Some we bought with an actual...
  4. V

    most of my fish, can you help with identiy?

    It's entirely possible the blue and yellow and the red empress male may end up in a totally separate tank with a little harem of females we KNOW are their breeds. I have to do some more research on them first, but that may be a component of my final project for my degree. :p
  5. V

    most of my fish, can you help with identiy?

    :lol: It's just another excuse to buy a bigger tank hon. ;)
  6. V

    Help emergency ~!!!!

    Hello everyone, this is "the other half" of our duo. Thank you all for replying and being so nice about our new babies! I'm sure we'll have lots of pictures of them as they grow! :D
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