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  1. P

    Please help! Sick angels.

    If there's still white spots then you probably have Ich. As for the film, it's a secondary fungal/bacterial infection that usually sprouts up during/after a primary infection such as Ich. Go buy a bottle of Pimafix and Melafix, do a PWC, and then dose the tank with both in equal amounts. Follow...
  2. P

    Clown Loach - can anybody confirm Ich?

    I used quick cure for a severe ich outbreak at half dose for twice as long and it the CL's didn't make it. All the other fish pulled through alright, though. So I do think CL's have a certain succeptability to meds and chemicals.
  3. P

    Glo Fish with dropsy??

    I have an orange glo fish that is bloated and his scales are completely fanned out. It looks exactly like dropsy, but I thought dropsy was something only goldfish get? or is it just that goldfish are most likely to get it? any suggestions? Will do a PWC and post the new parameters afterward.
  4. P


    I understand. I'm sorry for you and your gourami. I looked closer and I noticed that cysts are starting to protrude from his belly, so i can only imagine whats going on. Some sort of kidney disease, maybe? At any rate, thank you so much for helping us throughout this ordeal. Such a sad...
  5. P


    I've been giving him daily salt baths for as long as he's been bloated, which is about three weeks or so. I didn't salt the whole tank because I have frogs and baby guppies and such. He's been at the bottom forever, and now he's just resting on his crown, completely upside down. His fins are...
  6. P


    I've had an Oranda Goldfish that's been sick for about a month, if not more. He's got dropsy, and he's had a number of other ailments from ick to finrot to week-long constipation. This poor guy has held on for so long now, but he's not really seeming to get any better. I've managed to clear...
  7. P

    Hospital Tank

    ...good point lol
  8. P

    55 Upstairs?

    Well thank you all for the insightful discussion!! Turns out the floor/ceiling is from the '50s or '60s... I decided to put them both upstairs, but they're in different rooms, and they're both flush with an external wall. The only problem is I hve my little 20 gallon in the corner next to one...
  9. P

    Hospital Tank

    Awesome! Well thank you guys for all the help. And it's glad to know I'm not the only one =/ Maybe we should start an MTS Support Group thread
  10. P

    Albino bristlenose pleco

    Plecos chew on wood for fiber. It's not necessary when they're younger, but as plecos get older, they really eat very little algae, and the wood becomes absolutely essential to their good health.
  11. P

    55 Upstairs?

    Do you think a 55 gallon aquarium upstairs would be too much weight? What about two?
  12. P

    Oranda doing somersaults

    Cool, I'll get some ASAP! Thanks a bunch for all you're help, I can't say it enough =]
  13. P

    Newbie to fish keeping - air pumps??

    I personally use two powerheads that suction to the side of the tank. I placed one at each end of the tank, just below the surface, and pointed them both slightly upward and toward one another. This creates quite a bit of agitation, and it's virtually silent =]
  14. P

    Hospital Tank

    Sounds like I got MTS =/ I've bought two 55 gallon tanks in the same month lol
  15. P

    Tetra behavior

    You may be overfeeding. Remember that the rule of thumb with small tropical fish is: Generally, their stomachs are the size of their eyeball. Which means that each one can only really eat a few flakes. Plus most fish only really need food once a day, and most are fine with being fed every...
  16. P

    Hospital Tank

    hmm, I've never heard of MTS, though it doesn't sound very good =[ I didn't even think about having to keep the media alive, d'oh! Thanks so much for your help Deep Seven!
  17. P


    You could also get a pleco, though I'm sure you've thought of that. Bristlenose plecos tend to stay pretty small, I've got two of them in my 30 gallon tank and they're both happy, and my tank is clean (and also by a window). Still, I agree with tyspot1000, getting a hood light would be best...
  18. P

    Hospital Tank

    So, when you say set it up, that means I should leave the QT tank empty until I need to use it, then fill it up, dechlor, switch the filter and let it run for a while? Or should I leave the same water in there for each time?
  19. P

    Want to start 40gallon tank but *clueless

    Once your ammonia stops peaking, and starts to decrease, you'll want to do your PWC's. It will still work if you do them before then, it may just take longer, as the PWC's hinder the ability of the ammonia-consuming bacteria to colonize. (all of that is pretty debatable, I've just found from my...
  20. P

    Hospital Tank

    So I'm finally getting another 55 to put all the fishes in my 20 gal community. This means I'm going to finally be able to set up a hospital tank with it's own filter, heater, and lighting system. I've never set up a hospital tank and I could use all the help I can get. I'm assuming it needs...
  21. P

    Oranda doing somersaults

    I kept telling myself that same thing...I can't bring myself to put formaldehyde on anything that's still alive =/ So I went and got some melafix today. Didn't have the money for any anti-parasitic food, but the melafix seems to be working. The black splotches are lightening a little, and...
  22. P

    Oranda doing somersaults

    I should probably give it a shot. What's a good brand to try out? Salt and heat seems to be making things worse, so I'm gonna try putting a drop of quick cure in his salt bath. I hate to use that stuff, but I don't know what else to do =/ Thanks so much for your help, I really do appreciate it.
  23. P

    how to move a reef tank

    I don't know very much about saltwater tanks, though I've been told a few times over that corals somehow limit your selection of invert, as well as contribute to ammonia spikes and/or other chemical imbalances. But that's just what I've heard. My friend personally just went with live sand.
  24. P

    how to move a reef tank

    Good luck! I'd totally help out more if I knew anything else. That's where I went when i helped my friend move his reef tank. He didn't have any mushrooms or anything, but we did successfully keep all his coral and anenomes alive by just keeping them in plastic bags. The main thing is to do all...
  25. P

    Dwarf shrimp with white tail

    How old are they? If they've recently turned 2-3 months then it may just be sexual maturation. In which case you've got females that are now carrying an unfertilized clutch of eggs. Keep an eye out over the next few days to a week. If the white seems to drop toward the bottom of the tail...
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