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  1. K

    10 Gallon Fishless Cycle NEED HELP!!!!!!

    Ok thanks Gus and what happens after I get the pure ammonia what steps do I tank after I get it?
  2. K

    10 Gallon Fishless Cycle NEED HELP!!!!!!

    So if I shake the bottle of ammonia and it makes bubbles its not going to work for cycling the tank?
  3. K

    10 Gallon Fishless Cycle NEED HELP!!!!!!

    Ok I have my tank set up with the water circulating through it for about 2 weeks now. I have added start right to the water and I am going to be buying an API Freshwater Master Test Kit, and my local fish store is going to let me buy a used Bio Wheel filter media from then in which I think I am...
  4. K

    Filter and stocking questions

    Yeah I know the filter is a little over board but I was told that you can never over filter a tank. I have notice that unlike my old filter that filter the water more straight down than straight out, unlike my bio wheel that spits it out more straight out than down which makes the top of the...
  5. K

    Filter and stocking questions

    Ok I went to my local aquarium store and stopped going to petsmart because they have no idea what they are talking about, and I can tell that from the very little research I have done and they advised me to get the Marineland Penguin Bio Wheel 200B filter than can filter up to 50 gallons of...
  6. K

    Filter and stocking questions

    I don't think the college I go to would appreciate me getting a bigger tank plus my room mate probably wouldn't like it either :)
  7. K

    Filter and stocking questions

    Ok and to get the Nitrogen Cycle going could I use SafeStart or what other ways would you do to get your Nitrogen Cycle Started without having fish in your tank?
  8. K

    Filter and stocking questions

    Ok thanks I might try to do the test and take it to the fish store since they will also test the water and I might not do it correctly since it is my first time testing water. I think I am going to upgrade to a Marineland Penjuin Bio-Wheel 150B which can filter up to 30 gallons. Also what do...
  9. K

    Filter and stocking questions

    Im sorry to not to know any of this but I need to test the Ammonia, pH, Nitrate, Nitrite, Hardness, and the Phosphate levels correct? So the bigger filter would be a good idea? I guess I am just a beginner and am afraid that if I don't do everything perfectly all my fish will do and just need...
  10. K

    Filter and stocking questions

    I am brand new to trying to have a fish tank. When I was in highschool, which was last here I had a Teacher's Assistant period in which I had to help the Marine Bio teacher, I had to feed the fish (thats it). However, I have started, more like bought a fish tank. I have a 10 gallon tank with...
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