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  1. F

    Ich, or just picked on?

    Hi, I have 2 Rosy Tetra's, 2 Bleeding heart tetra's, 5 zebra danio's, and 1 German blue ram. One of my rosies has a few white cotton spots hanging off of him. I've dealt with ich before, and it spread somewhat fast. But this little guy has looked like this for a week now, not really getting...
  2. F

    Orange Algae, or other growth

    Hi, A while ago I posted about my poor water conditions and how to bring them back to par. I Am now on the way back to safe water levels, but I have a question. I had black algae growing when my water conditions were poor. Now as they are improving I'm noticing that I am now getting what...
  3. F

    Fish Night Light

    Hi there! I was wondering if there is any type of light I can put in my aquarium to light it up a bit at night. My aquarium is located in a corner, near no windows. So at night when I turn off the aquarium light it goes extremely dark. I usually ease my fish by having an overhead light on, and...
  4. F

    Help after testing needed!

    Hi, A few days ago my Pleco died. I have a 38 Gallon tank, artificially planted. I only have a few danio's, tetra's, and an upside-down catfish. Things had been going good for a year (this was my first tank) and now I'm here. I had gotten my pleco because I had started getting lots of...
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