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  1. Mattefect

    Discus fish sick

    Tonight I come home and both my discus are extremely dark, sitting on the bottom and breathing slowly. I put some salt in the tank and..... Raised the heat and waiting. It's been. About 20 mins now. So sad. Any help you guys can give me?
  2. Mattefect

    Malawi tank

    Hey guys I'm thinking of starting a Malawi tank and wanted to know some specs. I'm was thinking of getting yellow lab and blue mbuna together is that possible? Also about to together. Plz tell me tank size and that stuff. I was also thinking of building a tank that looks awesome for me, it's got...
  3. Mattefect

    Help with angelfish

    Hey guys so this thread is totally for my friend who needs help with angelfish. He currently has a 18g tank with 2 angels and 12 tetras. All of his fish are small. He has had his tank running for about 1 yr and previously had some other fish that died. About six months later without doing any...
  4. Mattefect

    Hardest feshwater fish to keep.

    Hey guys I'm thinking on starting another tank in a few months and wanted to know the hardest freshwater fish to keep. Also the tank size and water parameters. Thanks
  5. Mattefect

    Compatible fish for discus

    Hey guys I was watching my discus eat today and realized that some of the food stays at the top of the tank. My discus dont go to the top unless I'm hand feeding. So the food just sits at the top. I was looking for a fish that does scare or annoy discus but will eat my discus diet of blood worms...
  6. Mattefect

    Water testers

    Hey guys so I live in south African and all the water testers I've looked for at the fish store are over $100 each. So has any1 ever bought a cheap but good water tester from amazon? Thanks
  7. Mattefect


    Hey guys plz could any of you just out as much information on arowana fish. Thanks
  8. Mattefect

    Discus shyness

    Hey guys I need some help my discus fish are still very shy. I've had them for about 4 months now. I had bala sharks ( stupid to put them in but got rid of them, had them for about 2 months) and recently ot rid of them. When I had my bs my discus were not as shy, maybe the bs were scaring them...
  9. Mattefect

    Starting new cichlid tank.

    Hey guys I was just putting this out there but I wanted to start some sort of cichlid tank. I'll prob get a tank about 70g and wanted to get some suggestions on what would be good in that tank size. Plz don't recommend discus I've got em. So anything except discus. Also please give a little...
  10. Mattefect

    Discus fighting

    Hey guys My discus have been fighting and one is definitely more dominant the the other. The dominant one chases the other one behind the plants and if the other one come out it chases it back in. Is this natural aggression ?
  11. Mattefect

    How to breed discus

    Hey guys my discus are not breeding because they are still small but I wanted to know for the future on how to breed discus. Anything from your personal encounters to information on discus. Thanks
  12. Mattefect

    Update discus tank

    K so today I got rid of my bala sharks from my discus tank. Glad if that. I gave them to the pet store and he said I must come back in a week cause he will have new stock of discus and ima put some in my tank maybe 2 or 1 more. Any advice ?
  13. Mattefect

    My discus diet

    Hey guys just wanted to let you know about my discus diet. I currently feed my Discus tetra granulars in the morning and bloodworms in the night. please let me know on anything I could change. Thanks
  14. Mattefect

    Discus breed when stunted?

    Hey guys I wanted to know I it's possible for discus to breed when they are stunted at full age. Thanks
  15. Mattefect

    My freshwater tank.

    Got some shots of my African knife, bala sharks, discus can someone identify and pleco plz also identify.
  16. Mattefect

    Tank wter evaporation

    Hey I made this thread because the water in my 55 gal evaporates fairly fast. I keep the lights on about 8-10 hours a day. How could I cut down on the evaporation without cutting down the light
  17. Mattefect

    For Sale: Full grown bala sharks

    Ey anyone live in Johannesburg southafrica cause that where I live and I'm selling my 2 fully matured bala sharks
  18. Mattefect

    Wanted: Fish tank wanted.

    Hey guys tired of leaving your old tank lying around well u can just give them to me I will pay for shipping. Thanks
  19. Mattefect

    How fast do discus grow?

    Hey guys I hve a 55 gal tank with 2 green discus 2, 2 bala sharks, 2 black mollies, 1 african knife fish 1 Cory and 1 pleco. I've had all these fish for about 5 months. When I bought my discus they were a little bit smaller than what thy are now but their still small. I would like to know how...
  20. Mattefect

    Post your tank

    Post your aquarium pixture Hey guys so I wanted to make a thread to see how your guys tanks are doing so post some pictures of your tank/tanks. Thanks
  21. Mattefect

    Wanting to start a new malawi tank.

    Hello I am wanting to start a Malawi tank but wanted to know some specifications. Like : tank size : ph and other things wanted to get about 5-10 malawis small size thanks
  22. Mattefect

    Black algae on plants and gravel

    Hey guys I recently noticed that some of my plants swell as my gravel is starting to get this kind of black algae. It really doesn't look very nice. If anyones got any idea of how I could remove the algae from my plants and gravel plz speak up thanks.
  23. Mattefect

    Aquarium with no light

    Hey guys I got this project for natural science. We have to create a aquatic garden ( all the plants have to be fully aquatic ). We also aren't allowed to use lights from a tank or any light, which is a bit of a problem. So I was wondering are there any Aquatic plants that require minimal light...
  24. Mattefect

    Starting a planted aquarium.

    Hey guys I have a 55 gal jebo r2100. I would like to know how I could get plants in it looking good . I curretly have 7 plants. I want to make my tank look stunning with plants. Please would u guys tell me like what highest i need and the position. ThnKs
  25. Mattefect

    Discus not eating

    Hey guys I currently have a 210l nano. And I currently have 3 discus. 2 being red and blue and the other being just blue. I've checked my ph and it's at 7.2. I feed my fish tetra granular in the morning and blood worms at night. The two red and blue discus eat the food like crazy. But recently...
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