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  1. D

    New 90 gallen tanganikan tank

    ok 90 gallon tank you could have five bar cichlids pair, callochromis sand sifter are nice cyprichromis or cyps jumbos, tang killifish, a trio of featherfins ventralis, julidochromis for the rocks maybe a pair of lemon cichlids and pair of shell dwellers in one corner occelatus gold or multis...
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    my first tanganyikan featherfins

    these featherfins I have seen since fry parents came from the lake five years ago they have been tank raised looked cool even as fry  male parent is lovely blue/green with splotches of darker colours
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    my first tanganyikan featherfins

    sometimes you also have to take what you get with regards to availability of fish so if ratio of male to female is off... so be it featherfins from the lake are often only available in pairs so you take what you can and don't be put of by recommended ratios people who have kept these fish are...
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    my first tanganyikan featherfins

    all good stuff guys yeh they just growing out in forty gallon then into 60x24x24 only reason I got two males is should the alpha male die I still have a unit not just females, if second male gets too bashed up later I have room to move him but they are not as aggresive as ventralis, that's my...
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    my first tanganyikan featherfins

    cheers guys should be with me for a decade fingers crossed 
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    my first tanganyikan featherfins

    just pick these guys up when shop opened at nine could not wait they are quite rare opthalmotilapia heterodonta nayanza-lac only juvenile at moment but should colour up nice 2 m / 2 f 
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    Questions about setting up my cichlid tank.

    your ph will go up and down as will conductivity and tempreture just let it cycle first then if still too high add peat to filter or better still boogwood will lower it a small bit try and stay away from ph down! more stable high ph be a lot better than an unstable lower one where cichlids are...
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    Questions about setting up my cichlid tank.

    no let the cycle continue and no more water changes are required until your nitrates are 160 ppm or higher as this will slow your nitrite eating bacteria, once nitrite starts to spike above 5ppm cut back on ammonia by half the amount everyday even skip a day it may help:)
  9. D

    whos the boss of your tank? (pics please)

    this is hagrid boss of my tanganyikan tank in his own cave he looks mean has big teeth and is a predator (nelamprologus tretocephalus ) but really a big softie does not eat fry and for a male five bar he has only one fish he chases that is my neolamprologus lelupi who is nastie!
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    Neolamprologus multifasciatus

    cyprichromis mpulungu or utinta be good for top half of tank here is a snap of my breeding male mpulungu 
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    Neolamprologus multifasciatus

    eBay for shells julidochromis transcriptus gombi be your best bet with multis I have both breeding in same tank no probs they stay quite small  hope that helps
  12. D

    My africans

    nice looking cichlids I have not ventured into Malawi fish yet! got hooked on tanganyikans and they speed they breed may have no room for a while ... more tanks yipeee! 
  13. D

    fishless cycling new tanks

    cheers been trying to buy and collect rocks from here there and everywhere fishless cycling is sooooooooo boring but better for my new fish when they arrive. thanks for the kind comment hope the fish like it may change the lighting to led to give a shimmer affect and not so bright as the...
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    fishless cycling new tanks

    just finished adding last plants towards end of nitrite spike taking ages well only 13 days so far should be done in a week then I can put some tanganyikans in this one third tang tank  think my cyprichromis will love it what do u think?
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    Moving Fry

    I have moved multi shell dwellers moving in the shell is only way... I placed a glass jar in the tank filled with water and placed the shells in it under water as not to break the surface with the shells if you do you create a air pocket vacum and the fish may get trapped inside shell, then lift...
  16. D

    Hi everyone, I'm new here.

    Welcome and congrats on a great setup fish look well happy :)
  17. D

    help!!! cichlid went crazy.

    Possibly high phosphate...can do strange things if you have algae and fish going mental worth a check and wc :) or massive nitrate!
  18. D

    Switching to New Life Spectrum, Few Questions

    Great food I put a small bit in once or twice a week all my tangs like it even my synodontis petricola will eat it if any get away from the tangs :) highly recommend it best sinking pellet by a mile I use the small pellet so even my occies get a look in at feeding time :)
  19. D

    post your cichlid setup here!

    Like your brichardi looks like n. Pulcher from your picks, princess of the lake lovely fish I have one any more and I would have trouble in my tank, would love a colony though fry look cool great job!:)
  20. D

    post your cichlid setup here!

    Cheers.... feed them live and frozen along with a large variety of mysis flakes tang flakes and jbl tang stuff they like variety :) cyps on second batch of fry and julies breeding three large fry at present so doing something right, thanks
  21. D

    Neolamprologus Brevis Tankmates

    To small a tank for cyps if you put some small rocks at the back a pair of juldiochromis transcriptus stay small and are good with shellies got a pair in my multi colony. Just an idea or endlers guppy tiny fish and like the hard water keep the tank lively they stay in the top half of the tank...
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    post your cichlid setup here!

    My tang tank everyone hiding bar the cyprichromis and killifish and my occies typical:) I love tangs have two breeding pairs of cyps, julies and multis good job I only have one five bar :)
  23. D

    Stocking Time! 125g African Tank

    Synodontis petricola from lake tanganyika but adapt to ph 6.5-9 but have cool White whiskers and if you have three or more you will see them all the time plus they eat algae of the rocks and do not hid so much stay about same size as a bristlenose but more authentic :) hope that helps
  24. D

    Small chichilids? Do they exist or are they big fish

    I keep multis have small colony in my 64 litre they love it and are great to watch on third generation of fry and they dig lots just need lots of shells escargot are fine if you cannot locate neothauma shells from lake tanganyika
  25. D

    attatching plants to driftwood

    Fishing line all the way lasts forever or at least it does not rot like thread clear stuff cannot be seen in water I use it in my tanganyikan and amazon setups works a treat :)
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