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  1. P

    Newbie + ammonia = help!

    Another quick update - ammonia still off the charts. Took a sample of the gravel, rinsed it several times with neutral (zero ammonia), filtered water. Put the sample in a glass container with clean filtered water, and let it set for a few hours. Ran ammonia test on that water and it was 4ppm...
  2. P

    Newbie + ammonia = help!

    Quick update - Unbeknownst to me, my daughter put some water from a family friend's well established, healthy tank into ours Sunday morning as a means of populating it with good bacteria. So I guess I'll let that circulate for a week before I do a complete water change. I tested the tank again...
  3. P

    Newbie + ammonia = help!

    Gotcha! Let's keep our fingers crossed that the water change fixes things. I'll keep you posted. I appreciate the advice.
  4. P

    Newbie + ammonia = help!

    Ok, tomorrow I'll test my tap water & do a total water change. No reason not to try that. If this fails, maybe after a week, then I will change the gravel. Thank you for the recommendations for fish & shrimp. I think the kids would love to see little shrimp in the tank. We have some aquarium...
  5. P

    Newbie + ammonia = help!

    No fish. I took the water into Petsmart for the first 3 weeks for testing then just bought the strips and treated & tested almost daily. But after reading the forums here, went out and bought the API Master kit. Petsmart wouldn't even sell me fish because of the ammonia. So, a 5 gallon tank...
  6. P

    Newbie + ammonia = help!

    Nope, I'm not adding any ammonia. Is bottled spring water the best thing to use for the water changes? Substrate? Sorry for my ignorance, but do you mean gravel? The gravel I have was a bag of aquarium I picked up about 5 years ago from Petco or Walmart. Since everything is new (I even...
  7. P

    Newbie + ammonia = help!

    Hello! I'm so happy to have found this forum! I hope you can help me. For the past 8 weeks I have had an new fishless tank that consistently tests high for ammonia. Today I bought an API Master Test Kit to hone in on the problem. The test results are as follows: ammonia - over 8ppm (the test...
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