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  1. mlanda

    Cardinals Bengaii Reproduction / Breeding

    Hi, it is been more than 3 weeks that I have a couple of this kind and the male have already the eggs in his mouth. I will like to have some feedback from someone who have experience doing this. A pic, any othet good feedback will be also appreciated, Thanks in advance
  2. mlanda

    Hiatt filtration system - My own test

    Hi to all, As you know there is out there on the net a filtration system named Hiatt, that affirm that you always will have 0, 0, 0, 0 in all your readings, that his right now bacteria can stablished the aquarium (nitrogen cycle) in 24 hours and also that you will never need a protein skimmer...
  3. mlanda

    My 33 gallons tank

    I just start 2 months ago, this tanks is running with the Hiatt filtration system (thanks to Robert from majestic reefs), I will put some corals but one step at the time. For now: 4 turbo snails, 2 ocelaris clowns, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 brittle star and 1 orange spotted goby.
  4. mlanda

    Canister filters

    Hi to all, I will like to know your opinions regarding the canister filters in SW? I am going to purchase one in the future, for the easy way to maintain it and clean it, but I have read in another posts that they are a good place or nitrates to go high. My choice for now is the XP2 from Rena...
  5. mlanda

    Light for corals

    Hi to all, I have a 33 gallons tank and I am thinking in having corals in the future, I will like to know if I have enough light and how many hours of light is the best? I own a coralife 36" T5 - 30 watts each - 1 is 10,000 sun light - the other is blue actinic, I am almost going to buy another...
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