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  1. M

    Filtration, Dont want HOB

    My new tank is 125 gallons. Tank is here and on the stand. Now I need to purchase Filtration. On my previous post I went over having the Pacu and Peacock Monsters. I know I wont have them for very long, but I still need to set up this new tank. So here are my questions, Will 2 Filstar XP3's be...
  2. M

    Fish Growing, 125 gal setup

    I guess if I cant find a taker for the monsters, there is always Fish Tacos........ But he is such a cool fish...........Hope I dont have to eat him, with Wasabi. Im a little "upset" with my LFS, and myself. Thanks again Frank Thaiboxer, can you post a pic of your S.A. tank for some ideas...
  3. M

    Fish Growing, 125 gal setup

    CRAP................So much for what LFS say. They said they would get big but nothing like whats swimming behind Taylor. Now I really have to get to South America. Ok so I will only have these guys for a short amount of time, I live near the Scripps Aquarium, I will see if they would like...
  4. M

    Fish Growing, 125 gal setup

    My Peacock bass and my Pacu are out growing the 55 gal. Currently their tank mates are a Geo Brasilia, Blue Acara, and a Black Bar. Everyone gets along well, with the smaller fish being the Bullies. But its time to get a bigger tank up and running. New tank is 72"x18"x24". I want to set this up...
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