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  1. my other female sword has a better tail then most of the males at the store haha

    my other female sword has a better tail then most of the males at the store haha

  2. new larger female pineapple

    new larger female pineapple

  3. new red velvet sword (female)

    new red velvet sword (female)

  4. Coli

    Mollie or platty?

    looks kinda fat for a pineapple swordtail. my female swordtail does not have a belly like that. unless maybe its pregnant? I would say a molly swords also dont have a hump on the back or large bodys.
  5. Coli

    Killifish Spawn

    looks great! do you have any pics of a pregnant golden wonder, and or any pics of the spawn? how much did the tank in your pic cost?
  6. my female golden wonder killi who i think is prego

    my female golden wonder killi who i think is prego

  7. the male and female

    the male and female

  8. female


  9. Fish in 10 gal

    Fish in 10 gal

  10. left side

    left side

  11. top of the tank (canopy lol)

    top of the tank (canopy lol)

  12. Coli

    killis and sword tails?

    YouTube - Killifish mating? here is a vid. i took of the killis just now. sorry its sideways i took the vid on my ipod and i guess thats how it comes out?
  13. Coli

    killis and sword tails?

    woooo thanks for the welcome and advise every one :) owl, yes i do have a male and female of the killis. I cant tell if there are any spawn i just looked around my tank for 10 min. and didnt see any, i do have a alot of plants in my tank though so they could be any where ( You cant really...
  14. 10 gal

    10 gal

  15. tanks


    my first tank! 10 gal
  16. Coli

    killis and sword tails?

    helloooo im new here and this is my first post so dont be too brutal on me haha. ok so i have a 10 gal tank and i started with 4 fish which are.. 2- Golden Wonders 1- rainbow shark 1- pleco they seemed to get along ok. the shark is a crack head and swims all over the place and gets in every...
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