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  1. F

    Shark Tank

    Thanks for all your replies, decided against the shark. I like my fish to be as happy and healthy as can be and I don't think id be able to provide that in my current aquarium. Thank again.
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    Shark Tank

    Hello, I have a 60"x30"x30" FOWLR. Is there any type of shark that could live in this tank its whole life? Thanks
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    Ceylon Puffer

    Over what period of time?
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    Ceylon Puffer Help

    Hello, I have a 5-6" Ceylon puffer in my QT tank at a sg of .005, I'd like to put in in my FOWLR tank at a sg of .024. How do I go about acclimatising it to the new salinity? I'd like to do it as quickly as possible. Thanks
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    Ceylon Puffer

    Hello, I have a 5-6" Ceylon puffer in my QT tank at a sg of .005, I'd like to put in in my FOWLR tank at a sg of .024. How do I go about acclimatising it to the new salinity? I'd like to do it as quickly as possible. Thanks.
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    ID please

    Hello my friend just been given this fish, any chance of an ID. Thanks
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    They usually say to leave the tank empty for 8 weeks
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    Can anyone help me identify these fish?

    I think you should be prepared for the pleco to grow a lot more yet. Mines just hit the 15 inch mark
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    Mini shrimp ..?

    Possibly sounds a little like Amphipods
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    maroon clown

    I haven't found that the grow too quickly. You'll find most Clowns choose a safe place to live, my brothers clowns host the side of a heater and mine host a whole at the back of my tank behind a rock which she regularly feeds and tidies lol.
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    Uk fish shops

    Aquaticstoyourdoor and Trimar are very good, I've used both. Also aquaticstoyourdoor do a 7 guarantee on most of their livestock.
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    Id please

    I'd say parrot too. Any idea which type?
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    Id please

    Wondering what this fish is. Thanks
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    Maroon clown*

    My Maroon has a rock she hosts. She even tries to give it prawn etc at feeding time:)
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    Cleaner fish

    Problem is I can't have shrimp. Would make an expensive meal for my trigger or puffer.
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    Cleaner fish

    Hello I was just wondering if there were and other cleaner fish to house in an aquarium other than the cleaner wrasse or Neon goby. I really don't want to get a wrasse because of the poor survival rate or the neon because of its small size. Thanks
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    Volitans Lionfish Feeding

    I went with the "don't feed every day" advice and it ate my coral beauty. Bloody fish lol
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    I'll pass the info on. Thank you very much. So have we decided on Blue Face then?
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    Just wondering if anybody can tell me what type of angel my friend just purchased. Thanks.
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    Volitans Lionfish Feeding

    Hello, I have a Volitans Lionfish that is around 3-4" long. I've read it's bad for them to eat everyday, but how do I stop it eating when I feed the other fish? Once trained onto prepared food he eats anything I put in the tank, even flake. Thanks
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    Which Angels for Peaceful FOWLR?

    Lemonpeels are a pain in the *** in my experience. Flames and Coral Beauties I've had most luck with.
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    Puffer fish

    He's about 1.5 - 2 inch. I'm not sure about taking on a fish that eventually I'll need to rehome. I only have a 4X2X2 tank
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    Puffer fish

    Hello, my friend has offered me this puffer fish. I'm wondering if anybody can I.D it for me as I'd like to research it's care requirements before committing to it. Thanks
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    Black Watchman Goby turning yellow

    Hello, I've had a black Watchman Goby for just over a year now but lately it's turning yellow. It still looks healthy but just wondered if it turning into a regular yellow one or if it's sick. Thanks
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    Surprise fish

    Just found another one in there too. Thanks for your help, I'll take them to my LFS tomorrow and see if they'll take them. The tank is only 10gal as I'm going to use to breed snails and shrimp as food for my marine puffers. Thanks again.
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