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  1. J

    Necklace Aquarium, aka oxygenated vessel

    Thanks Swim I'll try that out. Well, I'm trying to revive dried algae as that's all I got right now but when I get chance to go to the beach I'll get some real stuff and try to combine it with kefir... we shall see! I note from aquaponics that getting s system balanced enough to seal and be...
  2. J

    Necklace Aquarium, aka oxygenated vessel

    Thanks Tim... I tried that one! Somehow the water kind of sweats out, I can't seem to get the holes small enough... I guess that's what goretex is about. To be honest it's not just about having a nacklace, it's about being about to transport any lifeform that requires a source of oxygen... so...
  3. J

    Necklace Aquarium, aka oxygenated vessel

    see attached pic, clear?
  4. J

    Necklace Aquarium, aka oxygenated vessel

    Wouldn't it be great to be able to carry around some triops in a container. The only problem is that such a thing needs aerating with o2 as a minimum... and how do we do that? That is, how do we let air in and out but not water? Such a container would also be useful for transporting things...
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