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  1. L

    Lethargic Fish

    Last night was fine, but he slept at the top of the tank still. This morning, he swam around fine and after I came out of my shower he was back to trying to suck air from the surface and floating around motionless in one of the corners. I fed him a pea in hopes of it working like it did last...
  2. L

    Lethargic Fish

    Thanks for the advice so far guys. Ultimately I fed him a bit of pea and honestly, he started to do a lot better after he pooped. He still kind of floats to the top, but since I cranked up all the devices he hasn't tried to gulp air as much. He's also swimming more to the mid and bottom. I'm...
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    Lethargic Fish

    Thanks Hu! As of yet, I haven't fed him today actually, I'm just waiting to see the results. The air bubbles and filter are on max, I suppose I could also reattach the power head to get more surface action going, but I find when I do that, he likes to hide right next to the power head and stay...
  4. L

    Lethargic Fish

    My filter is an AC50 with just the sponge and bio balls, turned on high. I've also adjusted the water level (lower) so that it gets more of a splash, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of surface action even with the air stone turned up. I had a power head in there awhile ago, but that...
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    Lethargic Fish

    I can't tell if he seems to be recovering, because he does move around at times, but he seems to swim into the glass when he goes too quickly. As of two hours ago, the ph is 7.8 (matches my tap water), ammonia 0, nitrate 0, nitrite 0, temperature 66 degrees. I even pour the water in a little...
  6. L

    Lethargic Fish

    Ok, performed the 50% water change, he swam around a bit and now he is back to either sucking air from the surface, but not swimming around while he does it, or floating at the top, listing to one side. It almost seems like he is sleeping because he will suddenly become animated and swim around...
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    Lethargic Fish

    Got it! Thanks for your help :) I hope my little buddy pulls through.
  8. L

    Lethargic Fish

    Thanks for the advice! 50%? The other site recommended 20% a day, but I suppose more couldn't hurt him. Yes, I saw a full-sized comet the day I upgraded to a 20 gallon and the person who helped me told me I should seriously consider a pond instead, but since I live in Los Angeles in an...
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    Lethargic Fish

    I purchased a comet goldfish about three weeks ago and committed the cardinal sin of putting him into a 1 gallon tank kit recommended to me by the folks at Petco (trust me, it's not where the pets go). About two weeks in, I realized my fish wasn't swimming around as much or if he was, he would...
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    Yes, I was considering a 10 gallon, but I need to move some furniture around first. Space comes at a premium in LA. Well, the first store clerk was not nearly as helpful as the one that helped me today, but I have an air pump and air stone going so I am not rushing home to make sure Ferdinand is...
  11. L


    Thanks! My tank is about 1.5 gallons and I didn't find out until after I brought it home that it might be too small.
  12. L


    Hi everyone, I purchased a Sarasa comet goldfish yesterday promptly named him Ferdinand. He has become a bit of a fancy fish in just under 24 hours because he currently resides in a tank of bottled Spring water (water in Los Angeles is just too terrible for him, or so I have been informed). I...
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