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  1. M

    Moving this Fri and surprise baby angels, what to do?

    Hi, Ready to move to our next home this Friday but yesterday I saw a bunch of grayish black 'worms' hanging out on the roof of an ornament temple. At first I thought they're, well, worms because I've never seen fries before, then I realized they're baby fishes. They're so tiny - 1/8 of an inch...
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    best on-line shrimp store for east coast?

    hi all- i'm in dc and wonder if you know any good on-line shopping source for shrimps? someone suggested one in arizona but the shipping will most likely be way over $40. i don't want to spend that kind of money on shipping if something is relatively close-by. thanks!
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    two Qs on ordering lobster and shriimps from Dr F&S

    Hi all- I have a 55 gal long community tank currently housing 1 angel, 3 rainbows, 2 CAEs, 5 lemon and 2 neon tetras. I'd like to add a Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster and some amano shrimps. Since they're both hard to find I'm considering buying from Dr F&S. I've bought equipments from them but...
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    fish hovering around surface -- trouble ahead???

    Hi, In the past few days all 5 of my angel fish hovered around the surface almost all day long during the day, doing nothing. I once checked at night and they're all in the middle/bottom. Other fishes were business as usual. So, I did a 25% water change, tested amonia and nitrite(sp) and found...
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    Hi, I have a 55 gal long sparsely-planted community tank with a relatively low bioload until recent weeks when I became fish-buying happy. I used to have: 6 zebra danions; 3 neon tetras; 3 adult Koi angels; 2 Bos???? rainbow fish; 2 CAE; 1 guppy. They were all happy and healthy. I added the...
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    dwarf gourami and blood

    The gourami I got a week ago was apparently dying so I did a mercy killing last night putting it in ice cubes. And then came blood!!! From near one of its gills! I'm sort of freaked out because I've never seen this before. I fear this is some nasty infectious illness. Its belly was all swellen...
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    bio-wheel & catridge

    Hello experts, After almost a year the bio-wheels on my Penguin 330 are still, well, like new!!! I thought they're supposed to get gooey by the 'bios' taking residence on them??? I have a rather light bio-load, 55 gal with 3 angels, 1 guppy, 3 neons, 6 zebras and two CAEs. On the other hand...
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    feeding rainbows

    Hi all, Just added one male Bosemain(?) :oops: and one male Blueish(?) :oops: Rainbows to my 55 gal community tank to be friends with 2 CAEs, 3 guppies, 3 koi angels, 5 neons, and 7 danios. One question though. I fed the tank twice yesterday with TetraMin(?) but the rainbows refused to eat...
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    fishes that human babies enjoy to watch?

    I know this is probably silly but just want to throw it out there.... I have a 55gal community and a 3-month old baby. watching fishes with him has become a fun activity that his nanny and us do everyday. sometimes he seemed to enjoy it and would watch for a good while but other times he got...
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    Fish as fashion

    betta lovers gotta hate this. i came across this post on the craigslist. don't know if it's legit or another spam tho.
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    getting ready to add 20-30 neon tetras

    hello~ after closely monitoring my water for three weeks (and after adding 3 small koi angels) without incidents or concerns, i'm ready to take up the biggest challenge so far - adding neon tetras to my 55 gal. my last experience with them ended in tragedy - ich attack. i read it on this forum...
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    Is glass cat hard to keep?

    Someone mentioned this in another thread. I'm planning to add 6-8 glass cats to my 55 community tank, but if they're hard to keep than i'll pass. thanks!!!
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    plants stopped growing

    Hi my japanese dwarf rush stopped growing for a month now. i don't think it's dying except occasional leave decaying. almost all leave tips turned dark brown/black. my floating anacharis stopped growing about two weeks ago as well. it's a 55 gal with 2 20W strip lights and regular gravel. my...
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    stocking question - when to introduce neons?

    Hi, I have a sparsely planted 55 gal that's cycled for 1 month now. I currently have 7 zebra danios, 4 male fancy guppies, 2 algae eaters and 1 small tiger barbs. I added 3 koi angels last night. I plan to add about 10 neons to the mix, but based on what I've gathered on this board and my own...
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    who's been eating my wendtii red?

    I bought a potted wendtii red for my 55 gal last week, and already 3 leaves have been chewed off. Is it my zebra danios? tiger barbs? or algae eaters??? Also I don't think my plants are growing very well lately, is it because of the heat? The temp is hovering around 81 in the past two weeks...
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    how to create (strong) current

    Hi, I'm thinking to add glass catfish to my 55 gal and I read it somewhere it's best to 'have strong current' for them to swim against to asimilate their original environment and make them happy. I have a Penguin 330 which creates current/water flow, the lower the water level the stronger, but...
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    Boesemani Rainbow questions

    Hello~ I'm sure there're millions other threads that covered this, but the search function is not very user-friendly on this site so I'm starting another. I'd like to add some colors to my new 55 gal. The tank's cycled three weeks ago and currently occupied by 7 zebra danios, 4 guppies, 2 algae...
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    pros and cons of tank divider

    I have a 55 gal community tank - 7 danios and 2 algae eaters, with 2 albino tiger barbs mixed in there! I want to use a tank divider to seperate the barbs from the rest of the tank so I can get some colorful slow-moving fishes. I figure by doing this I can keep both semi-aggressive and community...
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    what filters do you use for your QTs?

    I'm hoping to find cheap yet functional equipments for my 5 gal QT. Since neither gravel nor live plants are needed for a QT, and I know in the next few months I won't need a heater so pretty much all I need to start is just a filter. I plan to tear down the QT everytime after Q is over, so...
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    can ammonia and nitrite readings ever reach 0?

    Not to hijack the 'Red Tail Dead! Sand 8.0 pH ?!?!?!' thread, I started a new one here. The issue was brought up in the other thread that whether it's 'possible' to have both ammo and nitrite 0, or in other words undetectable. From what I gathered on this forum, the answer is a positively yes...
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    what to do with the tank bully - female tiger barb?

    I have a cycled 55 gal with 7 zebra danios and 2(3 as of yesterday) tiger barbs and 2 albino tiger barbs. Fri. evening I added 2 male tigers and 1 male 1 female albinos to the tank to accompany the lone female tiger. I did this because I think she's lonely and not very active all by herself...
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    lights-out, fish racing to the top

    Everytime I turned the light off(both room & tank lights) my zebra danios & barbs & even a few glass shrimps would dash upward to the surface and stay in the very top portion of the tank and swimming and chasing in the dark and looking extreamly happy. does this tell me my fish don't like lights?
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    low-light plants suggestions (long post alert)

    Was wondering what, if any, plants can grow(slowly fine) in a 36 watt standard 55gal community tank which will not get upgraded anytime soon. There's no CO2 injection nor specialty substract. Currently holds a few java ferns and a couple Variegated Japanese Dwarf Rush(or something looks like it...
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    Tiger barb and albino tiger barb schooling question

    Hi, Do tiger barbs and albino tiger barbs school together in a community tank with no other types of barbs? I lost one of my two tiger barbs and I'd like to get her some company, while I also want to add a few albino tiger barbs. So, I'm thinking to add 2-3 tiger barbs and 3-4 albinos to make it...
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    Is it true schooling reduce aggressiveness in tiger barbs?

    I've heard a school of 6 or more will make tiger barbs behave. Is this always true? Do the nature of their behavior change completely or occasionally their aggressiveness would win over coolness and start chasing others? Also I've heard the schooling number needs to be an odd numbe for this to...
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