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  1. C

    Cloudy/greenish water 30g fresh

    Ok so here's the most resent pic from this morning, I feel like the cloudiness has gotten a smigit better. All I've done so far is leave the light off for about 2 days now and just tested the water yesterday. So maybe I'm just being hopeful but today I had planned to do another bigger water...
  2. C

    Cloudy/greenish water 30g fresh

    Ok so I got my test kit today and I really think petco needs to choose a new in house testing kit. My results were completely different, pH- 6.0 Ammonia- somewhere between 0.50 and 1.0ppm Nitrite- 0ppm Nitrate- was closer in color to 80ppm but not near as dark as 160, so somewhere around 100ppm...
  3. C

    Cloudy/greenish water 30g fresh

    Ok cool thanks. I'll post my results maybe later today, if not today, definitely tomorrow.
  4. C

    Cloudy/greenish water 30g fresh

    Not really too sure on all the exacts of the parameters, but the petco guy said everything was normal and looked good when he tested my water sample. If more detail would help I could have it retested and post results. And my tank is in a basement with only one small window, so it doesn't see...
  5. C

    Cloudy/greenish water 30g fresh

    Had to re-edit to add a pic. Not the best pic but hopefully it'll show you a little better what I'm trying to explain. Thanks again :)
  6. C

    Cloudy/greenish water 30g fresh

    Ok so my 30gallon freshwater tank must have just recently had an algae spike of some sort but I'm not appreciating it. My water is very cloudy and murky with a green tent. I did about a 30% water change about 5 days ago and the water cleared up some for about oh I'd say a few hours and then went...
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