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  1. 39 Gallon Bow Front

    39 Gallon Bow Front

    My newest tank, a Christmas present, is my first large tank (39 gallons is large to me!) and it's very exciting. I can't wait for all my plants to grow and fill in.
  2. My sweet flame dwarf gourami. I loves him!

    My sweet flame dwarf gourami. I loves him!

  3. Ugly red gravel... ugh! So glad that's gone!

    Ugly red gravel... ugh! So glad that's gone!

  4. My snail! He's tripled in size since I got him six months ago!

    My snail! He's tripled in size since I got him six months ago!

  5. 10 gallon

    10 gallon

    This is my 10 gallon, always a work in progress!
  6. ErinP22

    Whats your thoughts on 5 gallon?

    Looks great!! Love the arrangement!
  7. ErinP22

    Whats your thoughts on 5 gallon?

    The cloudiness should settle with time, the flourite will make it cloudy for longer than usual (I have it in my puffers tank and also in my 39g). I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this or not, but the puffers are super sensitive to nitrates and ammonia, so I would let the tank cycle with the...
  8. ErinP22

    Figure 8 Puffer Profile

    Walmart definitely not the best place to get them, but some stores DO carry figure eight puffers. The store by me had them labeled as green spotted puffers, but they were definitely figure eights.
  9. ErinP22

    Barbs picky eaters?!?

    Peas huh? I'll have to remember that one and try it. You mash them up a little? I've heard of doing boiled zucchini and was going to try that one, cooked peas sounds pretty easy too though... You use frozen peas? I wouldn't trust canned peas, and aside from the sugar snap peas, which are more...
  10. ErinP22

    Barbs picky eaters?!?

    Yeah, unusual, I know! I have 2 tigers and 4 albino tigers. When I open the top to feed them they all come to the top of the water, excitedly, the albinos are especially boisterous and nibble on my finger if I put it in the water. Anyways.... The problem is they won't eat the flake food. They...
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