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  1. O

    Help with brown algae in a cichlid tank

    Tank is a 55gallon, i went with tanganyikas because i was told for the most part they dont get as big as some of the other african lake fish.
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    Help with brown algae in a cichlid tank

    That i will have to get back with you on. I had them all written down but have not been able to find my list. I know I have a pair of dafodills and also have the smaller version of what looks like a frontosa. One of them is black with spots on his front half and stripes on his back half. I have...
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    Help with brown algae in a cichlid tank

    Thanks a lot for the help. While i have your attention. I mentioned that I have a starry night ciclhlid who has spent the last few days either in the bottom left corner behind some plants or the top right of the tank. When i first introduced my fish (about three weeks ago), he was very active...
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    Help with brown algae in a cichlid tank

    Yes, just tried to clean a little of the rocks and it came off fairly easily.
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    Help with brown algae in a cichlid tank

    Here is a picture of the mysterious brown stuff.
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    Help with brown algae in a cichlid tank

    Im sorry, i meant to ask, does diatroms look like rust?
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    Help with brown algae in a cichlid tank

    I called my lfs after I first noticed it covering all of my rocks. I told them it looked like rust and they said it was probably brown algae. Does diatroms look like rocks? I could easily clean the back wall but the rocks were stacked and setup pretty intricately, i guess i couldmtry and lightly...
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    Help with brown algae in a cichlid tank

    I have been devoloping a sizeable amount of brown algae in tanganyika cichlid tank. The tank has only had the fish in it for about a month. I currently have 10 tanganyika cichlids ( all currently pretty small). My only concern is it appears to have started growing on the back wall and looks...
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    Help with starting a Cichlid tank

    Thanks for all the help and those fishless tank cycle articles were a godsend. My tank cycle is complete. I got some great seeding material from my brother which helped spped things along. My question is, when can i remove the seeding material? Can i remove before stocking the tank or should i...
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    Help with starting a Cichlid tank

    My local fish store suggested our setup as we did not have any experience with fish before. I wish I had done research before going tomsee him. He suggested that we go with the gravel that supports a higher ph as he was setting us up for an african cichlid tank. He also suggested starting the...
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    Help with starting a Cichlid tank

    Great articles, they will help a lot. We were thinking of going with dwarf cichlids. I do have a queation regarding the cycling article. It says once the tank is cycled, you should do a 90% water change the day before adding your fish. Would i simply add water to the tank via a garden hose and...
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    Help with starting a Cichlid tank

    So my wife and I are new to the fish world. We recently decidedthat we wanted fish. We have a 40 gallon tank and the person out our local fish store set us up with the equipment. We have a biowheel filter designed for up to a 90 gal tank, some rocks, thermometer, gravel that can ve used for...
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