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  1. D

    Honey Gourami Stocking Advice

    I have a 29 gallon jungle planted tank. I recently added 6 juvie honey gouramis to my tank 2:4 M:F. Will they be too aggressive to each other? These are the true Honey variety, not the DG variants. I also have 15 CPDs and 6 peacock gudgeons in my tank. Any help would be appreciated.
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    Need assistance! 29g Stocking suggestion thread!

    my tank is pretty heavily planted, pretty much 100% plant cover. It is also open top. Current inhabitants 6 peacock gudgeons, about an inch or so long (planning to cull this down to 2-4 when they get bigger.) 7 celestial pearl danios 1 apistogramma borelli 2 guppies. I'm looking for a mid...
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    Once again, overstocked?

    It's barely been a month and I can't stop the itch to buy more fish... This is a 29 gallon, densely planted tank, 2213 Eheim. 2 Bolivian Rams (non-mated pair) 1 Apisto Agissizi (female) 2 Mini Chocolate Gouramis (eyespot gourami, these only get to about 1.5 in) 5 Praecox Rainbows (1M:4F) 7 CPDs...
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    Overstocked? 29 planted?

    29 gallon eheim 2213, dense 65% planted, I water change weekly. 3 Bolivian rams 8 CPDs 8 harlequin rasbora 5 praecox rainbows 5 otos Lots of activity. Should I upgrade filters?
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    29 Gallon Planted Stocking suggestion

    Hello folks, I have a 29 gallon mostly planted tank at the moment. Current occupants 3 Bolivian Rams (aiming for M/F pair) 8 Harlequin Rasbora 8 Celestial Pearl Danio I am looking for another type of fish that will fit into the community. I don't think I want another schooling species, so...
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    Dwarf Puffer Fluval Ebi -- OK to add Shrimp?

    Hello, I currently have a Fluval Ebi (7.9) that houses 2 dwarf puffers and 3 Otos. Eventually going for the "jungle" look as you can see attached, I have a Java moss farm developing off my drift wood, a crypt spiralas in the back, wisteria on the side and some different crypts and HG up front...
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    Fuval ebi/flora -- what stand do you use?

    I'm having a hard time finding a stand tall enough to display my fluval ebi. Looking for something in the 36" and up height range that can support the weight which is roughly ~80 lbs. Any help would be appreciated!
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    Seeding a Fluval Ebi

    Hi, I have an established 29 gallon about a month old(my first tank, tetracycle, been reading 0's for weeks now), and just picked up an ebi from amazon that I'm planning to breed cherry shrimp in to feed my fish. My question is in regards to Cycling the ebi. If I were to run the nano filter...
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    First Planted Tank - Need Opinions please

    As the title states, this is my first go at a planted tank. Well, this is my first tank period. I started roughly 3 weeks ago, and everything is setup and seems to be thriving. Water parameters are in-line, pH is a bit high for what I'm going for (SE Asia, currently @ 7.5). It's a medium...
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    Yes another, Do I need Fertilizer Question

    So here is my story: I'm pretty new to the hobby, started my 29 gallon planted aquarium less than 2 weeks ago. Its been a few days since my first planting and stuff is definitely growing! Here is my setup. Light : 2 x 24 Watts Zoo-Med Aquasun T5HO about 20-22 inches above the substrate...
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    Tetra Safestart Fish-in Cycle

    I started a fish-in cycle with Tetra Safestart (12 danios and a Pearl Gourami in a 29 gallon, one danio died the first night) around 5 days ago and doing tests everyday, I never experienced a nitrite spike. I tested multiple times everyday and the No2 never went above .03mg/l (or yellow on the...
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    I have slate, lots of slate

    Hello Community, I am a first-time fish keeper, working on getting a 29 gallon SE asian planted tank setup. I have really appreciated the wealth of information on this website. To create a backdrop for my tank, I decided that smashing up black slate and stacking them together across the back...
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