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  1. ozzydafish14

    HITH coming back???

    Hey everyone. The last time I posted was probably somewhere in July? I really don't remember. But my tiger oscar Ozzy has been doing just fine. I've noticed that some of the holes that were trying to heal over are actually getting bigger and some of them are growing holes around them. So Im...
  2. ozzydafish14

    Is my Oscar afraid of me?

    Whenever I walk into the room, I see Ozzy swimmin around, chillin. But then I walk up to the tank and eighther he gets really mad and tries to attack me, or he sitts at the bottom and waits for me to go away. So this has effected his eating, which I'm concerned about. Also, when I turn on the...
  3. ozzydafish14

    White squirmy things in tank

    I just pulled my 1 year old tiger oscar out of the clutches of HITH, right now he is recovering from the holes. Now, since god likes to torchure me, theres little white worm things that are floating around in the water. They're probably no more than 1/4 of an inch long. What is it???
  4. ozzydafish14

    Tank Mate for Oscar?

    I was thinking of moving my 10 1/2 inch tiger oscar to a 75 gallon tank from his 55 gallon tank. But I was wondering if that would be an appropriet time to get Ozzy a tank mate. I've heared blue acras make good tank mates to oscars. Is this a bad idea?
  5. ozzydafish14

    Snail too Big For Shell?

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank with a Tiger Oscar that is recovering from HITH, and with him I also have an Ivory Snail that my brother gave me. Just recently, his shell began to crack and grow brown stuff on it. If it needs a new shell, how do I get a hold of one?
  6. ozzydafish14

    Oscar on road to recovery :)

    My little buddy (Ozzy) looks like he's on the road to recovery from HITH! He eats and acts like the little energetic fish he once was. Thanks for the help! I couldn't have done it without you!! :)
  7. ozzydafish14

    Getting Tiger Oscar to swallow food

    I think I'm proud to say I have a 1 year old tiger oscar named ozzy that is on the road to recovery for his HITH! He has 100% of his appetite back, but the problem is when he goes to eat a pellet, he holds it in his mouth for a few moments and it floats out of his mouth in one piece...
  8. ozzydafish14

    Killing HITH Parasite?

    Right now I'm treating my tiger oscar with HITH, and yesterday he stopped eating, so I just wanted to know if there was anything in addition that I could do to try and kill the parasite before killing poor Ozzy. I'm currently treating him with Jungle Labs Hole-N-Head Guard, and I'm also trying...
  9. ozzydafish14

    Which Cichlids Get Along?

    Hey everyone, I currently have a 55 gallon fish tank with a 7" tiger oscar in it, but sadly, he has HITH. His name is Ozzy, and he turned 1 yesterday. His HITH hasn't been getting better in all of the efforts I've made, so I'm preparing myself for the worst. So I want to try something new, and I...
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