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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. A

    my fish chases my other fish round the tank..should i separate them?

    right.. last time i started a thread it was because i wasnt sure what to do with my fish becuase they were ill with white spot and fin rot... well now out of the four one has died.. so now im left with three.. out of these three one seems perfectly fine.. but the other two are still not right...
  2. A

    Help i dont know what to to about my fish...

    Basicly my black more and one of my fantails have got white spot.. as far as im aware my other fantail and blue oranda are not effected..but now my blue oranda has started showing what i think are signs of fin rot.. so all i want to know is can i treat white spot at the same time as i treat fin...
  3. My fish

    My fish

    here are my fish, sharkie and george, jay and silent bob.
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