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  1. G

    Does my goldfish look pregnant

    Sorry I now the pic is kinda fancy but I was just playing around with it for fun but I think she looks pretty fat but maybe she is bloated
  2. G

    Washed out eggs?!?!?!

    Help me I don't know what sex my fishes are but I have a fealing at least one of them is a girl so I was cleaning their tank this morning like I usally do and dumping all the water out and outing more and I saw there whitish clear little circles floating out and I thought that maybe it Gould...
  3. G

    Wanted: 30-40 gallon tank

    I really really need a 30-40 gallon tank for my goldfish before they might die Goldfish are very high maintenance and there tank has to be cleaned out a while so I think need filer too.. Thanks do much and attach pictures
  4. G

    Is my fish gunna have babys

    Well I just got them and the genders are unknown so I can't tell if its even a girl but it looks a little fat and I can't help bit think if age is. Pregnant cause it could have happened before I got them but I also heard they just get REALLY bloated but they act normal so far
  5. G

    Help please urgent

    So I just got three fantailed calico goldfish from pj's pets in the mall and they are jot that big. For my tank I used my old hermit crab tank (witch is a little bit smaller than 10g I would say 7) and washed it out REALLY good but I was looking on Internet and it said that I needed like a 38...
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