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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. H

    A few questions . . .

    Okay, I . . . painfully flushed the goldfish down the toilet because it's a better death than taking him back to a store. Now I have: two female neon tetras, two female albino catfish, male/female pair of Mollies, and male/female pair of guppies. Are than any other kinks to be worked out in my...
  2. H

    A few questions . . .

    Okay, I . . . painfully flushed the goldfish down the toilet because it's a better death than taking him back to a store. Now I have: two female neon tetras, male/female pair of Mollies, and male/female pair of guppies. Are than any other kinks to be worked out in my fish population?
  3. H

    A few questions . . .

    They are albino catfish about half an inch each, I think. (Though I'm not sure if size matters.) Most of the advice I've gotten was at Uncle Bills. Before anyone ever gets me a fish, they always ask what I have in my tank then tell me if the new fish is compatable. Which is why I'm a little...
  4. H

    A few questions . . .

    Thanks for everyone's help, and I'll explain more about my tank in case you have more advice to offer: I have a ten gallon tank with a side filter. (Not sure what model, but I'm too lazy to go check. Sorry.) I have only small decorations except for one medium sized rock. As for plants, I have...
  5. H

    A few questions . . .

    Hello, I'm new here. I've had my tank for about a month and a half now, and everything is smooth sailing. Except for one frog that inexplicably died, but I wasn't too disappointed. He was boring. Anyway, I had a few questions. (Obviously) 1. The woman at wal-mart who sold me my goldfish and...
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