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  1. Discus4Life

    Blue german rams breeders in miami ?

    I have allready rams from a breeder that dont sells them no more, my friend is trying to buy some but we just cant find one seller,we actually find one but they were all sick with ick, Guys do you know any place in miami that sell blue german rams pleaseeeeeee.
  2. Discus4Life

    My blue german ram is sick

    my ram have been felling sick for two weeks, the thing is that i dont know what is the problem,since i have discus 2 i allways have water parameters on the perfect level,soft water,6.4 ph ,no amonia and nitrites,nitrates below 20 ppm, i even have uv sterilizer. I never had a bacteria ,fungus or...
  3. Discus4Life

    bacteria cycling brand?????

    Does any one can tell me if this brand can help start cycling, NITE OUT II, I know that not all brands are good for stating the cycle,i know that stability from seachem works for sure,this bottle contains nitrosomonas sp wich are the amonia killers lol,nitrobacter sp for the nitrites,but it...
  4. Discus4Life

    Discus not felling well

    I had my six discus for more the 3 years,know out of no where is not eating and is hiding like it wasnt felling well, my water parameters are in perfect condition like allways and the fish dosent show any sing of external sikness like parasites ,bacteria or fungus ,what i know is that fish use...
  5. Discus4Life

    any budy have an idea if those Aquaripure nitrate filters work for sure??

    They are really spensive and i just want to hear from some budy if they are worth to buy,for my tank they cost 280$.
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