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  1. T

    High Nitrite

    I have a 10gal tank, whit the same problem last week. i did a 75% water change and took all my fish out. Install a filter for a 10-20gal make sure you seat the new media with the old and added a live plate. it took a few day to to get the Nitirites to come down, now my water is great. Hope...
  2. T

    Nitrite, pH

    Okay, i just tested my water my nitrites are dropping down (about time) its still a little acidic, every thing else is good. will that level its self out? I feed them twice a day in the morning and at night.
  3. T

    Nitrite, pH

    Okay, when its time to change the filter, what should i do? so my tank wont go through a cycle every time.
  4. T

    Nitrite, pH

    crap, i have the old filter but its not wet. The fish seem to doing just fine
  5. T

    Nitrite, pH

    Yes it did cycle, i just in stall the new pump and washed out the filter like it said
  6. T

    Nitrite, pH

    I have a 10 gallon tank, with two zebra danios (having baby's) one red wag, otto . my water is crystal clear but my nitrite are over 10.0 (danger) on the chart, pH below 6.2 (acidic), alkalinity a little on the low side. I upgrade my filter to a 20 gal 2wk ago and put in some live plates last...
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