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  1. T

    Anyone have more than one tank in their livingroom??

    It's bad when I start thinking "These fish naturally live in rivers, lakes, oceans, and i'm trying to captivate them in a small 55g". Then I start trying to figure out how to build a lake in the just joking. Maybe a fish pond in the far future. Does anybody have, or thought...
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    New to aquariums 10gallon tank

    Platy fish are ok for 10 gallons too. Welcome to fish keeping! Just keep striving to learn more, and be a little wary of some of the information from the fish store, and online. I find this site a very reliable and friendly source of information.
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    Algae Problem Lurking.

    *Update* (A good one!) I didn't buy any algae eating fish, and i don't have excel just yet (A very good LFS around here is ordering some for me). However i did a 33% water change last night. First I used a magnet brush to remove algae from the glass.I took all the rocks with algae out and...
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    Newbie Mistake

    @"Never listen to LFS" For Right now i'm battling an algae problem with my planted tank. (Too much light, nutrients, maybe not enought co2). So i go to the pet store and told them my situation, maybe i can get an oto or 2. They told me "well, I don't see why you have lights...
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    Algae Problem Lurking.

    Anyways heres my game plan. I'm reducing the lights, feed more sparingly, do bigger water changes. I'm going to let the horwort grow as big as it wants without pruning and maybe it will lower the amount of light over the anubias and java fern. The wisteria and valisneria will still get there...
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    Newbie Mistake

    *nitrite typo
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    Newbie Mistake

    I'm just a newbie, but, if i grasp you situation correctly (unproper cycle, high ammonia and nitrite), maybe you could get a bottle of nitrifier bacteria. I have "Cycle" from nutrafin. It says it reduces fish loss, by introducing massive amounts of beneficial bacteria, which works to...
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    Algae Problem Lurking.

    Aqua chem, It is a 20 gallon tall. I also have 2 10 gallons. I have two 26 watt CFL with a Kelvin temperature of 6500 (Daylight). I am not getting a ton of CO2 into the tank, but i beleive the tiny bit that is dissolving is helping the plants a lot. I don't have a co2 test kit, but...
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    Algae Problem Lurking.

    I haven't seen any Excel in any of the petstores down here. Is there a better way to get CO2 dissolved in my tank. Right now its going up into the HOB filter.
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    Algae Problem Lurking.

    I did a bit of reading on otos. Sounds like a good fish for a cleanup crew! One site said a minimum of 33 gallons and 2 other sites say a minimum of 20 gallons. Since they are docile it might be a good choice for me.
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    Algae Problem Lurking.

    I also read that plecos and algae eaters need lots of space to swim. I'm not sure about otos but i don't think i have enough space for plecos to swim.
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    Algae Problem Lurking.

    Hey Philly thanks for the reply. I have the lights on a timer. I will reduce to 8 hours then. Funny story, the person at the fish store told me that fish and plants don't need any light at all! She told me lights are just asthetics and to just unplug and leave it that
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    Algae Problem Lurking.

    Water Wisteria Java Moss Valisneria Anubias Hornwort A while ago I tried setting up a 20g planted aquarium and had it running awhile before I almost lost everything due to a very low light from a standard aquarium hood. After doing a lot of research into plants i decided to upgrade the...
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    Help! Big velvet desease problem.

    lol...sounds like a good plan jlk! All the fish are fine, i guess i suffered from temporary craziness there. The molly is awesome, he eats red algae all day, that i couldn't get with my magnet scrubber. The platy prunes off suffering leaves from the wisteria. They are all little gardeners!
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    Help! Big velvet desease problem.

    I just did an image search on google for "black molly". Theres a molly on the second row with exactly the gold shimmer that i'm talking about. Maybe it is just thier natural colouring? The day i posted this thread i was having a rough day. The worst thing that happened is the dog bit the...
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    Help! Big velvet desease problem.

    I'm sorry Dragon, I do not know the exact type of molly he is. Someone bought him before I and hated him because he was aggressive to her other fish. So i gladly took him in. The black molly and the female mickymouse platy are kind of like long-lost friends. The molly does not chase or bite...
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    Help! Big velvet desease problem.

    A fine dust would be easy to see on a slick black molly. Now i'm pretty sure i mis-diagnosed. Good thing i had the patience before medicating!
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    Help! Big velvet desease problem.

    I think i might have mis-diagnosed. After furthur reading of the velvet disease i cannot find the top symptoms. a) No fish are scratching against surfaces. b) The fish are swimming and eating. c) The fine dust i thought i was seeing, might have been my imagination. They still have...
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    Help! Big velvet desease problem.

    Thanks for the reply. I like library girl's idea because i would have to move less snails. However i have javamoss growing everywhere as well. The reason why i'm holding the plants in high regard is because they almost melted down to nothing before i upgraded the lights (except the...
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    Help! Big velvet desease problem.

    I have 3 freshwater aquariums (Ive gone fish crazy starting last winter 2010) and i have been able to keep them in pretty good conditions, thanks to the wealth of information on the internet. Ive been meaning to turn one of my 10g into a hospital tank. right now it houses a bunch of pond...
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    Post your full tank shot here.

    I really like the look of your tanks Clare. Nice variety of plants and driftwood!
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    Post your full tank shot here.

    Thank you redsea for reply. Forgot to mention that under that driftwood there is a huge army of snails ready to deploy! I occasionally see 1 or 2 scouts moving along the glass. When it gets bad ill have to start taking them out.
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    Post your full tank shot here.

    This is my 20 gallon tall aquarium ive been keeping for a few months now. Ever since i started with a beta, my one-tracked mind has gotten me crazy for fish! I've had my beta for a year now in a 5 gallon sitting on the kitchen table. I hope to get a 10 gallon setup for him for more room to move...
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