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  1. fredmertz

    Any Less Expensive Filters Similar To Fluval G3/G6

    My main goal would be to find a canister that I do not have to empty out to change the filters. I don't care much about having to turn it off -- I just dont want to have to carry it to the sink and empty it out. That's the beauty of the G3/G6 (in my eyes at least).
  2. fredmertz

    Any Less Expensive Filters Similar To Fluval G3/G6

    Does anyone know of a canister filter that has the easy to remove/replace/clean feature of the Fluval G3/G6 filter, but without the fancy shmancy electronics? The ability to take replace or clean the media without even stopping the filter seems amazing, but I have no interest (or budget) for...
  3. fredmertz

    OK for Rings In Aquaclear 110 To Not Be Entirely Submersed?

    Thanks. I definitely need to get a new bag -- knew I cut it too short the moment I cut it!
  4. fredmertz

    OK for Rings In Aquaclear 110 To Not Be Entirely Submersed?

    I guess the title is pretty self-explanatory (the top of the bag is above the water line) and this is my first experience with an HOB. Thanks!
  5. fredmertz

    How Long Should I Run A Second Filter Before Removing The First

    I have a canister filter that is lousy with snails and I thought it might be a good idea to run a second filter on the tank for a bit so I could take the first filter off and give it a thorough cleaning that would likely kill all the bacteria. It is a 75-gallon tank. How long do you think I...
  6. fredmertz

    No power, no heater, no filter. Help!

    For now, i have the filter and heater hooked up to the ac outlet in my car. Will keep that up as long as i can And then wrap. Thanks for the advice and good wishes.
  7. fredmertz

    No power, no heater, no filter. Help!

    I have no power and a doa generator. I have water, so i can change the water daily, but what can i do for the water Temperature? I have a 75 gallon with gouramis, rainbows, loaches, angels, pictus, a rainbow shark and a blue crayfish. I am afraid they are all going to die of cold and am...
  8. fredmertz

    Used To Need CO2 to bring pH down, now getting very acidic readings

    Still having this issue and back with some metrics. My tank pH got down to 5.1 this morning after a 50% water change on Sunday. I did another 50% change this morning. The immediate pH reading was 6.8 and 6 hours later it is down to 6.1. I am using a Milwaukee pH monitor and API KH/DH & pH...
  9. fredmertz

    Used To Need CO2 to bring pH down, now getting very acidic readings

    I am about one year into a freshwater 75g aquarium. For the first 10 months or so I needed to use CO2 to bring down tap water with a pH in the mid to high 7s down into the mid to high 6s. For the last month or so, I have been getting very acidic readings a week after water changes despite tap...
  10. fredmertz

    Incredible Shrinking Gourami

    I have three gouramis -- a male three-spot and opaline and gold females. The blue and golds are a little older than the opaline. The blue was always the biggest of the three, but now he is clearly the smallest. I can't tell if this is a case of the females outgrowing him or him being...
  11. fredmertz

    Beat Up Angel Likes To Wedge Himself Into Tight Spots

    I don't think so. It seemed to be a one-time thing. I have never witnessed any aggression at all between the Angels, one of which is bigger than the half black and one of which is much smaller. I watch the tank a lot with the lights on and sometimes with the lights off and have never seen a...
  12. fredmertz

    Beat Up Angel Likes To Wedge Himself Into Tight Spots

    I have a half-black angel that got pretty beat up about three weeks ago. He seems to be making a slow and steady recovery - his feeler fins were lost and are starting to come back-- but over the last 24 hours I have noticed he likes wedging himself into tight spots -- behind ornaments, between...
  13. fredmertz

    Range of colors for healthy female Boesemani Rainbows?

    I have 2 females that have been with me for a while and seem to be doing well. However, their coloration changes quite frequently, ranging from the dull rainbow I expected from females to a very pale yellow. I keep thinking that they must not be well, but the next time I look they have the...
  14. fredmertz

    Who is my most likely guilty party?

    I have a 75g tank that has largely been free of behavior problems. In 7 months of having this tank, I have not seen a single fish with any signs of physical stress/physical bullying. A lot of chasing (especially the rainbow shark and the blue gourami), but no physical harm. However, today (in...
  15. fredmertz

    Half Black Angel Getting A Decent Amount Of Orange

    I have a half black angel that is about silver dollar sized and 4-5 months old (I think). When I got him, there was was very little orange coloring but now he has gotten a decent amount of orange on his top half, including a streak in his dorsal fin. He seems otherwise fine. Is this anything...
  16. fredmertz

    Blue lobster question

    My blue lobster is actually mostly scared of the other fish in the tank (angels, gouramis, loaches) and has only gone after (successfully) fish that were otherwise unhealthy. That being said, it seems 50/50 whether you get an aggressive one or not, and 20g seems awfully small. They are...
  17. fredmertz

    YoYo Loach R.I.P. Jumped Right Out Of The Tank

    Any good ideas on how I can screen the top off and still leave some room for the automatic fish feeders? Trying to avoid cutting up styrofoam.
  18. fredmertz

    YoYo Loach R.I.P. Jumped Right Out Of The Tank

    I've had 3 yoyo loaches for almost 8 months and rarely saw any of them get anywhere near the top of the tank. Last week I read a description of the Yoyos that said they are great jumpers and frequently jump out of tanks. I remember thinking that that seemed so unlikely with my guys. Well, I...
  19. fredmertz


    I haven't seen a pond snail in my tank in more than 4 months, yet my filter is still full of them, so I'm not so sure just cutting down on feeding is going to get the job done. Yours is one of those solutions that sounds better in theory than it tends to work in practice.
  20. fredmertz

    Recommendations For Water Treatment/Additive Program

    Well thanks everyone. Amazing how an entire industry has developed selling unnecessary additives for aquariums!
  21. fredmertz

    Recommendations For Water Treatment/Additive Program

    I follow the instructions on the prime -- I add enough for 75g to the tank before I add the water, rather than dosing for the replacement amount. I don't even know how I would treat 30-40 gallons of water prior to adding to the aquarium. How do people do that? Where do you put the water to...
  22. fredmertz


    A few yoyo loaches will clean them out in no time. You'll probably have a bunch in your filter as well.
  23. fredmertz

    Recommendations For Water Treatment/Additive Program

    My tank is six months old and doing well after some fits and starts, but I am still having a hard time figuring out what exactly I should be adding to my tank on a regular basis. It is a 75g freshwater tank with 3 angels, 3 yoyo loaches, 5 rainbows (3 turquoise, 2 boesemani), 3 gouramis, a...
  24. fredmertz

    No luck with what I think are diatoms

    I guess I should test for silicates -- although the Phos-Zorb is supposed to get rid of it as well as phosphates.
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