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  1. gallowchris

    My Golden Ram

    Thought I would share this image of my male Golden aka King of the tank LOL he has bread a couple times with my GBR. Thing is he is a horrable parent and eats all the fry or eggs grrr! Too bad because his offspring should be stunning!
  2. gallowchris

    Adding a second filter to my tank

    I just setup my 60gallon which has, Rams, Goby, Apisto, and Kribs so I'm hoping not to have any ammonia spikes. Right now I have a Eheim 2213 full cycled on the tank and everything seems fine but the filter is on the edge of its limits. I got a Eheim 2215 with the tank with used media (so i...
  3. gallowchris

    Rams mating

    Just introducted a male/female GBR pair to my tank! Already had a stunning pair of Golden Rams, the male is awesome! Well turns out the Male Golden and the female GBR got it on ( in under two days!). My son found eggs and a ton of them! Any one ever had experience with Goldens and GBR's mating...
  4. gallowchris

    String Algae

    Having a problem with string algae. Lighting is 3 watts per gallon, for 8 hours per day, then 1.5 watts per gallon for the other 4 hours. Dosing with Excel to help everyone. CO2 present. Iron dosing also. Just started with Aquacare Planten + (swhich has N&P) which I'm not to happy about so about...
  5. gallowchris

    Roseafolia fert needs

    Hello all I have about six stems of Roseafolia, CO2, does with Excel, and Seachem Iron. Lighting is 3 watts per gallon. the growth of the plants for height is great but the fullness of the leaves is lacking. The plants are 18" tall. I have clipped the term buds and re-planted, great growth so...
  6. gallowchris

    Best Food, In your experience for Cichlid/Dwarf Cichlids

    Ok people I don't read much about the food which we feed our little finned friends and the other day I a forum we started discussing different foods for Dwarf Cichlids. So I though I would put the question of; What do you find the best for your Cichlids or Dwarf Cichlids (lets also include...
  7. gallowchris

    does anyone know what this grey fuzzy stuff is

    On my drift wood this grey fuzzy mold like stuff has appeared and the snails wont touch it. Has any body seen this before?
  8. gallowchris

    Long Fin German Blue Ram with white growth/wound beside mouth

    Anyone have a clue of what this is? Just showed up two days ago. Got bigger yesterday and hasnt grown since. He is hanging out mainly at the surface breathing quickly. Water is zero across the board. PH 6.8, just had to adjust and went down to 6.6 for a day only dip, constant over all... I have...
  9. gallowchris

    Planted Ram Tank

    Hello all! I loving this site! Totally addicted to my aquarium.. wife calls it "the other women" lol. Though i would share some pics of the grow in progress. First one is from a couple weeks ago with all new plants. First full planted aquarium, had a couple plants here and there but my butters...
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