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  1. C


    Oh that's good to hear. :) I'm pretty sure they are all female except the orange bee. They hide a lot though and I read they are pretty active shrimp so maybe there is something up with mine.
  2. C


    I'm actually thinking about getting a fluval edge 12gal and the 7.9gal. I have 4 Cherrys and an orange bee shrimp. I plan on getting more though. I think the obs is the only male lol. The temp in their tank is 75-79 and the water is hard. pH is high I think at 8.5 I was looking into non...
  3. C


    ^_^ sounds good. My Oto does eat wafers , one a day and any left over food in the tank. That's probably why he is still alive. I will start training him with the rock thing right away. Thanks again :) I was also wondering what kind of light would be best for the shrimp. Also I heard Cherry...
  4. C


    Omg I didn't know they got that big! I will get the tank mess sorted out asap so my fish & shrimp will be happy. ^_^ Thanks guys. Oh the Vampire shrimp has a cave in the tank now and I haven't seen him scraping the substrate yet. I have been crushing food for him myself, mixing it with his tank...
  5. C


    Ok thanks Siva. I will be sure to get a bigger tank and follow your advice. Also do you think it would be possible to have the vampire shrimp in a 20gal? I read that the stocking for them is 1 for every 5gal. Thanks
  6. My doggie son Jake lol

    My doggie son Jake lol

  7. Cherry Shrimp eating

    Cherry Shrimp eating

  8. Jake & Me
He loves to snuggle

    Jake & Me He loves to snuggle

  9. Cherry Shrimp

    Cherry Shrimp

  10. 3 Cherry Shrimp

Feeding time!

    3 Cherry Shrimp Feeding time!

  11. Betta Vase

    Betta Vase

  12. 5gal Tank

    5gal Tank

  13. ADF Tank

    ADF Tank

  14. C


    Hey everyone! This is my first time joining a forum ever and I hope to learn a lot about fresh water tanks and keeping shrimp from you all. :) Currently I have 3 fresh water tanks. A 5gal, 2.5gal and a little less than 1gal Betta vase. In the 5gal is Cherry Shrimp, an Orange Bee Shrimp, a...
  15. Pets


  16. My Tanks

    My Tanks

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