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  1. Markemark

    Need help ID of plants

    I've got these low light plants. I knew what they were called when I bought them but for some reason, I totally cannot remember their names.
  2. Markemark

    Tank Mates for Oscars

    I was able to mix my 7" tiger Oscar in a 55g with a 5" Jack Dempsey, 6" Manganese, and a mating couple 3" Electric Yellows.
  3. image 975612417

    image 975612417

  4. image 4212694518

    image 4212694518

  5. image 2967380610

    image 2967380610

  6. image 1006023255

    image 1006023255

  7. Set up week 1

    Set up week 1

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