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    the case of the missing clownfish! yikes!

    hello everyone, This morning when i woke up, 2 of my common clownfish MIA! The day before, one total of 3 missing clowns. i guess it must be the work of the anemone right?
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    there is something wrong bout my filter system

    oh..there is no sound coming from my filter...its just that the arrangement i feel is not right...i guess this is also one reason why some of my fish did not survive.
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    there is something wrong bout my filter system

    hello there... a lilttle self intro..i'm a newbie in this hobby...very very new indeed. my tank has been running for about 6 weeks now. 3ft x 18" x 2ft. i need advice on my filter system. i have a separate tank for my filter system that has 4 compartments. currently, the first compartment has...
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