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  1. S

    LR..what do you suggest?

    yea that fiji is lookin pretty good, i'm going to order some of that next week! I'll get some pictures up after I put it in. My flame angel will love it! :D I have read a lot about how flame's haven't been doing so well, with cyanide and all. Mine seems to eat very well, anything that I feed...
  2. S

    LR..what do you suggest?

    cool, thanks a lot. Yea I think I am going to go ahead and get like 40 of the fiji and another 10 of keys or something along those lines. Of course, I am also going for cheaper since I do have a bit of a budget. Thanks for your help Dusty :)
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    LR..what do you suggest?

    I'm wanting to get the rest of my LR in, and I do want different kinds from different places. I did like the fiji rock, what do you think? I might get that as the majority if you guys think it would be better. I like keys as well. Any suggestions?
  4. S

    clown acting strange..

    yea, there is a small amount of nitrite. I bought some live rock today from my lfs, and the ph went to where it is supposed to be in about 12 hours, so that's all better now..the clown seems better, she isn't doing that as much, she seems preoccupied.. trying to eat the crabs now :) Should I...
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    clown acting strange..

    My clown keeps going to the top and skims it with its doesn't seem to be gasping for air..none of the other fish are doing it..there is a slightly high nitrite level..anyone know why she's behaving this way?
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    just a whisper lfs hasn't informed me on anything else that i need to get for filtration, rocks or that's it
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    no live rock yet..still waiting to get that..i don't know much about it, however it seems to be pretty helpful from what i've been reading on other posts..without it, is there still a way to lower nitrites? pH reading is a little better, nitrites remain awful...
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    yea steve, it's the 1.0 below..and it is a serious problem..i just did about a 40% water change, my lfs told me to try i'll update with that info..the nitrate and nitrite have shot up as well, so maybe that'll help that problem too?
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    My pH for both the 40 gal and my little 2.5 are pretty low..i'd say about 1.0 too there any way to help raise it? my fish are looking at me for some help..
  10. S

    Yay for new people!

    Hey, I'm Syndi..I have a 40 gallon tank with a few damsels and some's a pretty new tank, only about 2 months old. I've had the ammonia problem and high nitrate and nitrite problems, however it is getting better..until then i have my fish in a temporary tank until I get some bio spira...
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