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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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    Wanted In Charlotte NC 75 or above!

    i have a 100 gallon FS but i live in Mass. im askin 200$ for it with the stand, if you want to pay shipping i could have it shipped for you. other than that, sorry
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    100 gallon tank for sale

    anyone else want this vintage tank for $225?
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    100 gallon tank for sale

    someone told me that $200-250 would be reasonable for this tank, stand, and filter. So thats what im asking any takers?
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    100 gallon tank for sale

    does anyone want to buy this, or does anyone know how much it would be worth. thanks
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    Wanted: 10 gal screen cover...

    what is it that u r looking for, i have a screen for the top of a 10 gallon, that i will sell, if thats wat u want
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    100 gallon tank for sale

    There is also a submersible filter that i would sell with it it can be seen in those pictures i know nothing about that. I also constructed a hood for the tank out of wood and plexi glass. nothing fancy but it got the job done. if the buyer wants that they can have it as well. everything seen in...
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    100 gallon tank for sale

    close up
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    100 gallon tank for sale

    tank and stand
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    100 gallon tank for sale

    having problems with my digital camera, but i will have a pic up today. sorry for the wait
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    100 gallon tank for sale

    It's like a normal tank except that all the rims are Stainless steel as opposed to being black like normal tanks. I will get a picture up by the end of today, so you can take a look. And yes it holds water perfectly. I usually play paintball at the Eastside paintball course in Dartmouth, MA.
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    100 gallon tank for sale

    I have a 100 gallon tank, with a stand for sale. The tank measures 60"L x 20"H x 20" W. It is all stainless steel and is in good condition. It looks old to me and had been in my grandfathers basement for years until i dug it out and set up a freshwater tank. I only put a few fish in tho and...
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    fire spot

    it seems a little smaller to me today and it is definately not as bright red as it was yesterday. Hopefully this is a sign that he is going to be OK
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    fire spot

    i dont have the necessary stuff to QT him. I'll just keep up the water changes and keep the water nice and clean for him. Also you mite be right when you say another fish mite have hurt him. not on purpose but my 2 gouramis are always chasing eachother around playfully so maybe they had an...
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    fire spot

    no it hasnt gotten bigger... it might be missing scales its hard to tell he doesnt sit still for long hes always swimming looks like a pimple almost but its all red so i guess you could consider it bumpy...i have a 100 gallon tank... and in it there are 2 fire gouramis...1...
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    fire spot

    hello everyone... umm my fire gourami that i have had for about 2 weeks has a funny looking red spot near his mouth its not big. Im almost positive it wasnt there yesterday and i know it wasn't there when i purchased him. could someone please tell me what it is. thanks alot.
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    100 gallon tank hood??

    one more question if someone could help me out. with those glass tops do you need to have the ALL-Glass tops with the part that sticks out that the glass tops would sit on. because i do not have this on my tank and i am wondering if they can just sit on top? thanks so much
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    100 gallon community

    i just got a 100 gallon tank and havent added any fish yet it has been running for about 3 days without any fish and im gonna let it run for a few more before adding any fish. I have a 20 gallon tank as well that has 2 angels, 2 fire gouramis, 1 common pleco, and a rough skinned newt. i am...
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    100 gallon tank hood??

    ok thanks so much for the help
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    100 gallon tank hood??

    thanks for the help but those hoods aren't wide enough my tank is 18" wide those are made for ALL-glass aquariums which are like 12" wide i beleive
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    100 gallon tank hood??

    Hello everyone I am new to this forum but im glad i found it because i need help. Just recently i receved a 100 gallon tank from a friend w/ everything including filter. now i am looking for a hood w/ lighting fixtures i am on a budget and dont have a lot of money nor do i want to spend alot...
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