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  1. D

    Changed Filter brand, now water cloudy

    thanks. I picked up a used 30gal, and purchased a whisper 40 filter. There are 4 fish total. yes, I rinse the filter media (charcoal dust). 2 questions though: the person at superpetz said that the activated charcoal in filter media lasts only about 3 days, so she suggested just using foam...
  2. D

    Changed Filter brand, now water cloudy

    thanks for the info. I'll increase the water changes as you suggest, and go hunting for a test kit and larger tank. I do understand I am crowding the fish, but all has gone well for 4 years, and why now? Everything is the same except the filter and slightly larger fish. I know they've grown a...
  3. D

    Changed Filter brand, now water cloudy

    I have a 10gal tank that I use to "winter" my moms goldfish. In late october, I move them from her outside barrel to a cold room in my house, then move them back in april. It's worked very well for the past 5 years, fish were doing great. I was using a whisper 20 for the tank, until it burned...
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