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  1. A

    seperating guppies really needed?

    I received a group of guppies that had hump backs, however, I was told it was do to a dramatic temperature drop and being forced to stay in the cool water to long but I don't know how accurate it is...
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    seperating guppies really needed?

    Wouldn't the offspring still breed anyway? I have pregnant pups as young as two months! I could barely tell the sexes before I seen my baby females black bellies growing, lol. Are fish capable of having "mentally challenged" fish...? I wouldn't have thought so but obviously ain't sure now.
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    seperating guppies really needed?

    Getting excited, I have a few female guppies squaring off. They're in a 30 gallon and there are several plants, some rooted some floating. In the past I have never used breeding tanks or seperated the males and had more then I knew what to do with. My bf, however, feels I really should seperate...
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    type of guppy...?

    Guppy/Guppies breed help please! What are these guppies called, they are royal blue/purple with orange tails and a white stripe down their top fin and some small yellow splotches. I have other photos on my profile, but none any better do to the quality of this back up camera waiting on my new...
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  10. IMG 20120207 174443

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  11. 30 gallon guppy tank

    30 gallon guppy tank

  12. IMG 20120208 012221

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  14. IMG 20120208 012308

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  15. 120 gallon cichlid tank

    120 gallon cichlid tank

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