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  1. coramdayo

    Mollies swimming vertical

    Well, I did lose my calico balloon of my favs. Gosh, I hate that. Two out of the remaining three effected seem to be a bit better...not as much quivering or vertical swimming. The other one is still doing it but not any worse than he was 2 - 3 days ago. Time will tell I guess.
  2. coramdayo

    Mollies swimming vertical

    Thanks so much for seeking me out and finding me, ocminpin! As of this afternoon, they are all still with me. Loosing what you did is huge in comparison to mine. That's awful. I will go and read the thread. The four that had the problems are still having them. One does seem to be a bit...
  3. coramdayo

    Mollies swimming vertical

    It seems there are a couple different threads/posts about this phenomenon recently. In the past when this starts happening to my Mollies, they end up expiring within a couple days. It bothers me that I cannot figure out what is going on! Now, I have five and in the last two days, 3 of them have...
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