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    older cichlid

    I posted several posts on my 13 yr. old Tex. Cichlid & have found out that the sideways pose and lack of mobility is just 'old age'..didn't get much help from responders so I want to let the forum know that the Petco guy said his parents had a cichlid that did this for a long time before he...
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    Nitrates high after water changes?

    I have been trying to keep my tank 'perfect' and have an old cichlid [actually posted on him 2wks ago & decided he is just old] but have noticed now that w/ 25% water changes my nitrates are higher! what's up??? am I affecting the bio? haven't done too many, but just noticed that. the rest of...
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    texas cichlid problem

    texas cichild yes, the water was tested and it is fine. some have said that it is just old. i didn't feed for one day and gave a pea. it doesn't float up, it swims fine, then goes to a corner, leaning sideways. it still looks for food though.:confused:
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    cichlid food opinions needed

    I have had 2 cichlids live to be over 13 yrs. w/ only Hikari pellets...that is all! never change diet and don't overfeed.
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    texas cichlid problem

    I have a 13 yr. old tx. cichlid that is now turning sideways, not on top of tank, just by its hole, swims and eats...then again this behavior..has stopped doing its burrowing w/ rocks as well.........water's fine, no bloat, just this??? is it bladder disease beginnings?
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    Cichlid tank light question?

    texas cichlid this isn't a response, but I see there aren't many cichlid posts. I have a 13 yr old texas cichlid & it has now started acting funny, on its side, swims, not bloat, water's good, eats...two days like this now. is it bladder disease? old age?
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