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    Calico Oranda Odd Behavior

    Just wanted to update, he has adjusted to the tank well, he seems a bit more peppy today not sitting around in the same manner, i got the pellets you recommended and the test ill have on thursday. Thanks again :)
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    Calico Oranda Odd Behavior

    also we had planed to get another baby fancy fish how long would you recommend i wait until i introduce them into the same tank?
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    Calico Oranda Odd Behavior

    I guess my only other question is about how long will it take (with proper conditions and feeding) to see a change in behavior/health? im so worried the new tank change/food and water change hasnt changed the fishes mood or behavior at all :(
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    Calico Oranda Odd Behavior

    Also, I have used stress coat and goldfish aquarium cleaner by API on all of my tanks, with the slight condition of my fish and new tank set up I got today should I continue using these products? and are they necessary or un necessary?
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    Calico Oranda Odd Behavior

    I will pick up the liquid test, I have already replaced everything, the oranda has already been moved and how do i tell the difference between this fin starting the fin rot vs. being bullied by the other goldfish who was quarantined and died? i will rehome the plecko immediately, why are...
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    Calico Oranda Odd Behavior

    I have had this 15 gallon tank set up for about 2 months, the oranda had an older tank mate (from a separate tank) which was a fantail goldfish, the goldfish had died from a bacteria infection (red spotting) I believe it starts with an s. I had received this goldfish from a friend who couldn't...
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    Calico Oranda Odd Behavior

    He eats regular flakes, hes in a 15 gallon tank, practically a baby, and the only other fish in the tank is a baby plecko.
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    Calico Oranda Odd Behavior

    I have a fairly young fancy oranda, I don't see any external signs of sickness, the water/tank size is perfect however, he has started to act a bit strange. Instead of swimming around or relaxing through the tank he has now started to sit vertically (head to top tail to bottom) either right at...
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