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  1. M

    Black moor goldfish with torn

    @ Absolutage: Yeah, it's fuzzy like a little piece of cotton. @fort: They test my water with a liquid that they drip into a test tube of water at the pet store that I go to but I should own my own and thank you for the tip on the kit :). When I got my first black moor he died very quickly...
  2. M

    Black moor goldfish with torn

    Thanks ^-^ I have a filter on the container and I am performing a 20% change about every other day and a full change about every 3 to 4 weeks. I have no testing kit yet so I have been taking my water to the pet store and they have been testing it for me and they say his levels are fine :/ ...
  3. M

    Black moor goldfish with torn

    Hey you guys, I'm new to these forums and fairly new to keeping fish. We had fish in the house when I was younger and now that I'm older I got one. Anyways, about a month and a half ago I bought a black moor goldfish ( his name is Othello and I love him to death ) when the guy at the pet...
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